Sunday, January 29, 2023

Cosplay: Utsuru 7.5

Goh: Well, that was a tough day and a tough week before.

Me: I'm proud to say the organizers kept their word and has made it happen as intended. Well... almost.

Ash: That's awesome! Wait... "almost"?

Pikachu: Chu, pika? ["What now?"]

Me: Actually, the original edition was supposed to be titled "Utsuru 777" (and mentioned as "Triple Seven" or "Lucky Seven"), but it seems that for some reason or another, they dropped the concept, and now have just titled it "Utsuru 7.5" (which would be "seven point five" or "seven and a half").

Goh: Well, I can think of why, but I know you would prefer that I not say it.

Me: Please don't. Let's just let things happen. Speaking of, since the original concept involved the number 7, how about we bring out your "number 7"?

Ash: Oh! My Alola outfit! It's been a long time since you sent me with that one.

Me: I know. Part of it is painful for me personally, and another part was just other stuff that didn't work out, including how the past few years have been. But now, I'm ready, and I think you are too.

Ash: Yeah! Why not?

Me: Plus, in a way, I need the service of that Alolan bag of yours that often holds Rowlet. If it's spacey enough for Rowlet, it should be spacey enough for what I need.

Goh: I guess Rowlet really likes the comfort and privacy of that bag.

Ash: It does, doesn't it? I hope it works out for you.

Me: It should. OK, so now this is technically the "redo" of the earlier convention, which means that most everything should be the same. Was it?

Ash: It was! The booths, the people who came, and the schedule were mostly the same. But I didn't check which ones were still present from last time today.

Goh: But it had to be more festive since the conditions weren't like last time.

Ash: Yeah! It was louder and maybe... a bit more crowded than last time?

Goh: Well, obviously some people who didn't want to attend last time now would like to.

Ash: I think I saw some new people too.

Pikachu: Chu, pika chu. ["New, most likely."]

Me: The character parade should be like last time: everyone who wanted in registered just before going in. You did that, right?

Ash: As you asked.

Me: Great! How did it go?

Ash: There were around 50 characters... and I wasn't one of the five winners.

Goh: How did they actually structure the parade, I wonder?

Ash: Well, we went up on stage one at a time in groups of five but one at time. Last time was also like that.

Goh: So the judges could have picked the ones that were most memorable.

Me: That, or it's another instance of the "lottery effect", but we weren't lucky this time.

Ash: I guess so. 

Me: Moving on, what else did you see or watch? Something different from last time?

Ash: Bands came back! There was a DJ too.

Me: Well, of course. They can't deal with the "no loud sounds" ordinance previously.

Ash: We could stay until later.

Goh: That's neat, and it obviously works out.

Ash: And I played a community game! It was a speed challenge, a hard hat against a hammer by rock-paper-scissors. I lost 0-2 to another person, though.

Me: Interesting game. You could make this related to Pokémon by using the species instead.

Goh: And you could have three Pokémon! It could be Grass, Fire, Water. It makes perfect sense.

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Perfect!"]

Me: By the way, you did deal with the thing that needs your Alolan bag, right? It's an errand for a character friend of mine in different ways.

Ash: I got it! Don't worry, it should be safe. It just fits too.

Me: That's good. So what do you think overall?

Ash: It seems like old times in new times.

Goh: I haven't had the experience of something like this, so it's great that you two are bringing it to me.

Me: It could be and has to be better. I actually received an offer to turn down this edition for something just as special but farther away, but it actually doesn't jive with things. Plus, this is way nearer, as Ash can attest.

Ash: It is! And way more successful than that one time.

Pikachu: Pi pika, pika chu! ["Oh yes, a success!"]

Me: They call it "the party for the bigger party", so now it fits.

Goh: Oh, a bigger party?

Me: Oh yes, something else Goh hasn't experienced. It'll come very soon, providing that the Joltik don't bite.

Goh: It is indeed very happening.

Ash: And I like this party!

Me: It's definitely a very bright spot in recent times.

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