Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Expecting the Contrary

I've just returned from an outing today that partially involved Pokémon. While the outing itself can generally be considered successful, it can also be said that some of the things were a bit contrary to what was expected. Based on this, it seems that "expecting the contrary" seems to be a thing for this Pokémon thing in particular, especially given my overall experiences with it.

Specifically, one of the things "in contrary" is the rewards I receive for accomplishing a certain success. The rewards seem to be always that which I don't really need at the certain moment. Though the rewards remain useful, they just aren't the case at the pertinent moment, being preferred over a certain set of things that could be more useful.

The way I went out earlier for my Pokémon thing was also somewhat different than what would usually happen. In fact, I had thought to myself that this may not work out as intended. Therefore, it becomes a surprise even for myself to find out that this worked well somehow. It was a hard thing that I had expected to be happening.

And yet, things did happen the way they did, contrary to my expectations. I had thought they would at least occur in some of the ways that I expected, but they instead became the unexpected. Regardless, even when things were at their contrary, they remained successful, and that's what seems to matter the most at this point.

After the outing that occurred today, I'm inspired to see if I can expect contrary things the next time I'm involved in the Pokémon outing that I was involved in today. The way this outing often goes, it seems to leave a lot of room for things on the contrary to occur. Whatever notions I might have next time, I may also have to expect things that would be their opposite.

One year ago: Color Me (Shiny) Groudon
Two years ago: More Pokémon Hanging Things
Three years ago: Fire Power!

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