Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Color Me (Shiny) Groudon

It's pretty much the end of the Hoenn Celebration in Pokémon Go, and after having raided Groudon many times, I'm assured of not being able to get a Shiny Groudon, at least on my own. It's something that has aroused the fancy of those in my raid group in more ways than one, including in regard to its color. It became a bit of a sensitive issue, much like what happened some months ago regarding colors of cosplay things.

Some remarked that the color of Shiny Groudon appear to be yellowish, based on how it appeared during the post-raid capture challenge. Meanwhile, others tried to determine what kind of color it actually is by comparing the color in images of it to various swatches of similar colors, and came up with colors that were closer to green rather than yellow. Personally, I subscribe to the common interpretation that Shiny Groudon is yellowish, even golden - akin to the gold of pyrite, also known as fool's gold.

The debate that I mentioned in that earlier post appears to still remain relevant. After all, it may be possible that some of the others viewed the image of Shiny Groudon in less-than-ideal conditions, leading to one interpretation over another. And even in ideal conditions, manual determination may be off due to perceptions that sway to the most noticeable color, given a whole batch of colors that only gradually appear different. At the least, this discussion has presented itself so I can synthesize the information and make my own conclusions; it also became an intriguing piece of conversation.

I and my raid group have had our fancy of Shiny Groudon over these past two weeks, with some being fortunate to get one or more, while others (like me) got none. In all that fancy, the discussion about its color had crept in and enlivened the situation, even if it didn't prove conclusive enough for a general consensus. Still, it did seem like we did quite a bit to celebrate what is supposed to be a celebration, including one of a different color... literally.

One year ago: More Pokémon Hanging Things
Two years ago: Fire Power!

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