Tuesday, January 17, 2023

A Legendary Existence

My discussion about my "legendary" foray into cosplay appropriately leads to the discussion of another "legendary" matter: that of myself, as today is indeed my birthday. And this year's milestone is a slightly "legendary" one, as I turn 35 today. In those 35 years, a lot of things have happened, certainly the most important and "legendary" one being coming into contact with Pokémon and appreciating it nearly from the beginning until today. But then, aside from other not-so-legendary matters, it seems that I've also been blessed by a few other "legendary" things that continue to shape me as who I am today, in and out of Pokémon.

The experience of having been in the U.S. (and thereafter liking Pokémon) may be considered to be the most "legendary" thing about me, as it is an experience that not many people from outside the country possess, let alone for an extended period of time. It too has contributed to much of what I do with Pokémon and other things, including this blog. One way I keep it as such is to reveal it only on a need-to-know basis - like now - to make sure that I can forge ordinary connections before "taking them to the next (legendary) level", so to speak.

Besides being known as a Pokémon fan, I also am (or have been) known as an eccentric person in some ways. Yet it's a good kind of eccentricity, since through it I've gained popularity then and now. The only regret with my past popularity is that it was before I cosplayed formally, and I would like to think that things could have been very different if Pokémon cosplay had been involved. Still, maybe the present makes up for that past.

Going back to connections, there are of course the friends that I have made all these years. Some of them were made by the virtue of location (as above, or even being in the right place at the right time), and others were made by reaching out to people when the time came to do so. Those are definitely some "legendary" moments, and some of those friends may also consider the relationships just as "legendary", especially when Pokémon is on the table.

As for today, I ordered in a food item that is "legendary" for me to celebrate, but the rest of the day was hampered by a "legendary" hiccup in power as well as plainly inclement weather - luckily, not of the "legendary" kind. As such, the celebration today was more on the personal side, but I may have the option to expand it soon.

It's been an interesting 35 years of my existence, and what I do in that time has become a "legendary" marker of sorts. The same would ideally go to Pokémon as well with all its different things, as they continue to leave "legendary" impressions now and onwards.

Happy birthday to me, and may there always be something "legendary" to discover - Pokémon or otherwise - in the times to come.

One year ago: Unique Touches
Two years ago: Wishes for Good Days
Three years ago: Always Together
Four years ago: Wonderful Opportunities
Six years ago: A Pokémon Party?

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