Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Three to Get Ready, Go

Still early in the year, while not strictly related to Pokémon, I want to bring up my "yearly themes", as I've done in different posts across past years. Although it has to be admitted that they're abstract, self-prophetic, and culturally referential, I still quite believe that they have a guiding substance for the happenings throughout the year. Some of those happenings, certainly in relation to me and this blog, are Pokémon happenings and thus they are valid to be considered. And so it is that the "yearly themes" provide a plan form for those happenings at the beginning of the year and a basis of reflection at the end.

Continuing the "numbers" theme from the past two years, this year takes the theme of "Three to Get Ready, Go". Now, for those musically inclined as I am, a part of this theme might be recognized as the lyrics of a certain song, but I actually strongly dislike the song in question. To counteract that, I've appended "Go" as something that follows "Get Ready" or just "Ready" in many situations, including games (in fact, Pokémon Unite is such an example). That would imply that Pokémon could stand to be involved somehow, being mostly in the form of games. As for the number, three years roughly have passed since current conditions have taken effect, and the world is not quite "out of the woods" yet, but more could now be gained as before, if my report on the local event is of any indication.

That last part may be taken to be of great beginnings for many things, including Pokémon. Traditionally, those things would be further happenings are disclosed within the year through various means - specifically announcements like Pokémon Presents. For things that have already begun, like Pokémon Go continuing its multiple-year progression and Pokémon Unite still proceeding from a great beginning, that would mean the things that would expand those circumstances and make them "go", certainly. While a few of the usual things have been announced, much remains to be seen throughout this year.

Being that this year has only barely started, much of it still has to go on. And when it does, a few surprises could be expected. That becomes something else that ties into the "get ready, go" aspect; it would mean to be ready for surprises and to deal with them when they occur. As I've stated above, I don't consider the world to be free of current conditions just yet, and things are still developing - possibly in unexpected ways as well. But then it seems that the same may be applied to Pokémon happenings, with the potential surprises that they hold, and as such one seems to need to heed the above aspect when it does apply.

After three years of what seems like a "hampering" of the world - along with certain Pokémon things - the world may seem to be about to be needing to "get ready, go" for all the things that were missed within those years. While having to also watch out for possible surprises, the world has to and does continue to go on, and the same is true of Pokémon. That is practically the gist of this year's theme, which should play itself out as the year progresses. There is still much guidance to be found now and much reflection to be made later with the themes, Pokémon notwithstanding.

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