Saturday, January 14, 2023

More Insights (and Strides) for the Daily Adventure Incense

In the middle of last year, Pokémon Go introduced the Daily Adventure Incense, and in the month that followed, I gave a selection of tips (as "strides") that might make its usage much smoother. At this point, I've been using it near every day, and I've gained a sufficiently great deal of insights regarding its usage, and I feel that I should share those insights in another post, making it a continuation and addition of those "strides".

Recall that I had previously suggested the use of a vehicle - with someone else driving, certainly - in a pinch for the item, though it does go against much of what makes Pokémon Go... well, go. It really does work well somehow for as long as the vehicle goes at a slow-to-moderate speed, and even short pauses may be fine; as such, even certain forms of public transportation may be fair for its usage. Regardless of the vehicle, it is necessary to keep in mind that the Pokémon attracted by the Incense will have a pink ring and blue fog, though sometimes it could be easy to point out which one while moving at a clip. At the least, if a vehicle becomes a restriction, the Incense may still be usable to an extent.

While vehicle usage could be fine, there are some places where it might not be fine to use the Incense: in places where many Pokémon appear, whether naturally or where other people have set up Lure Modules, especially during events. I've gone through such places while using the Incense, and the attracted Pokémon either don't appear (losing out to the Lure Modules) or are overshadowed in whole or in part by the other appearing Pokémon, making it even a challenge to just bring up the intended encounter - and by the time it happens, the Pokémon goes away in a puff. Therefore, I highly recommend using the Incense in less crowded places and times, and the non-special event usage still goes without question.

And then... speaking of usage, how often (frequently) should one use the Incense? The name of the item does seem to speak for itself - "Daily" - but perhaps due to certain matters or disappointment over the Galarian birds appearing, some Trainers may have stopped using it that frequently. Yet they seem content with that, and a few eventually do get to capture the birds. As such, the best middle ground seems to be "as often as possible". It may not have to be used daily as expected, but whenever possible and not too infrequently should be fine. Now that the item also may be extended by certain events, which can then make up for less frequent use, the "daily" aspect may no longer be a necessity.

Half a year is a long time for "strides" to continue to be made, and there are definitely some for the Daily Adventure Incense in Pokémon Go. It's still an adventure provider even now, especially when taken advantage of appropriately and whenever it's convenient, perhaps not always daily as it might seem. That should be the key to making even more strides and the best of Pokémon adventures wherever one may go.

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