Saturday, January 14, 2017

Cosplay: AsiA Cosplay Competition, Day 1

Today I went to a cosplay event called AsiA Cosplay Competition. "AsiA" here refers not to the continent, but a local college with programs in management, computer science, and economics. I'm told that as part of their Business Practice course, they have to hold a competition that would let them earn money. It seems they understand that cosplay and Japanese things are big in where I live, so they've done their market research - early on, I might add, since this year is their third time holding it in a row.

I chose to cosplay another costume that I'm very proud to possess. If you've watched the Pokémon movie Lucario and the Mystery of Mew, you probably have seen Ash put on a costume of the Lucario Prince in the first moments of the movie; that is the exact costume I wore today. Even though it's not one of Ash's proper attires, as he did put it on in the movie, I think that it might as well be his; to signify that, I hold Pikachu as well. Another reason that I chose this costume is because they held a cosplay walk/parade today, which was the competition I participated in; thus I chose this costume because of its complexity. It could be said that I went all-out for this one.

Apart from the scheduled competition being late by 15 minutes, there was no problem for me; I arrived early, put on my costume, waited it out while mingling with the visitors, then did my short performance on stage when I (along with the others) was called. The only problem was maybe for the cosplayers involved; no one expected that after our short performances that we would all be called back on stage for a photo op, and this was not even explained to anyone. I had the fortune of being around the stage area when they called us back, but they had to search for the others, who were probably already on to other businesses. This could have been handled better.

Today was Day 1, and I plan to come back tomorrow for Day 2 with a simpler Ash costume, though I won't be performing. I will be just mingling with visitors and having fun with them. Plus, they'll announce the winners for all the competitions then. It'll still be fun.

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