Thursday, January 14, 2021

"Post-Shuffle" Activity

I've had a pretty extensive "career" in Pokémon Shuffle. I've played since close to the beginning and now have attained various successes within the game. However, based on activities inside and outside the game, it seems that my time with Pokémon Shuffle may be almost up. Once that happens, I'll have to find some activity that will fill the time that I've used and would use in Shuffle. In other words, I would be searching for a "post-Shuffle" activity.

With the release of Pokémon Cafe Mix, I could of course try my hand at it, especially as it's available on the Switch or on mobile right now. The problem is that I don't have a Switch at the moment and space is at a premium on my current mobile device. I would face the quandary of spending for an advanced mobile device instead of a Switch, or the remote possibility of getting a second mobile device that is purely intended for playing games rather than hosting other apps. Yet, puzzle games (including Pokémon ones) are within my domain, and I would have to explore either of these options in order to get started on the next Pokémon puzzle frenzy.

Then, there is the possibility of me reaching out to other Pokémon games that many people play, such as Pokémon Masters EX or Pokémon Quest. It bears in mind that both are available on mobile and the latter is also available on the Switch; as a result, they incur the same concerns as above. Further, these would constitute side engagements rather than a primary engagement as with the main series games, Pokémon Go, or any Pokémon puzzle game. As I am a big fan of Pokémon, there is a desire for me to explore these games, furthermore for the creation of posts on this blog. But they will certainly have to wait their turn, as with everything else I do for Pokémon and beyond.

Speaking of primary engagements, I do have to say that the first one on the previous list, the main series games, have been quite under neglect in recent times, partially by my own doing and partially by influence of the doings of others. Therefore, it may be worthwhile to spend some time on this primary engagement when the time comes to pass. On the off-chance that Shuffle reaches its end-of-life, I may consider postponing other side Pokémon engagements and resolve the primary one for the main series; after satisfiably doing this, then I can involve other side engagements or bring back the puzzle game engagement. It may be a necessary measure to keep things in check.

The choices I have for a "post-Shuffle activity" are many and varied. I could continue the puzzle game engagement with Cafe Mix, shift to a side engagement with certain games, or prioritize the main series engagement before deciding to do anything else. Whatever I decide to do, I may need to decide it before Shuffle ultimately decides to cease its activities. Though it won't be the same as the "career" in Shuffle, at least I can then say that my Pokémon "career" continues in some way.

Three years ago: Playing the Meta Game


  1. You could install an Android emulator in your PC and use that to play Pokémon games to your heart contents.

    1. That could be an alternative for simple games like Magikarp Jump, but some games don't jive well with them, and I don't have a pretty good experience with them. For the upcoming Pokémon Unite, for example, I would suppose that I need to have a device ready so I can play whenever someone hits me up.


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