Wednesday, January 6, 2021

No Scans for You

Features in Pokémon Go can be as controversial as they are helpful, mostly due to their sometimes bugged nature. However, one recently introduced feature is controversial in another way. Some time ago, the feature of PokéStop scanning was introduced, which is another advanced foray into augmented reality. It's a good feature at first glance, but it has an unsavory side that has made me (and a number of other Trainers) take a certain stance on its usage, or rather its non-usage.

The PokéStop scanning feature is intended to aid in the creation of a 3D model of the area around a PokéStop (or even a Gym), likely also for usage in the Reality Blending feature that I've cited last year in discussing Pokémon photography. Therefore, it's supposed to make the world a whole lot more fun and even interactive, bridging the real world and the Pokémon world. To that end, some PokéStops and Gyms that are tagged with "AR Mapping" will even beget a Research task that gives out some very nifty rewards, especially during certain events; they've included an Incense as well as a major amount of Mega Energy. In short, the feature is incredible... but it can and does leave some people feeling incredulous about it.

The problem is that some Trainers have discovered (after having predicted as such) that after some PokéStops or Gyms had been scanned, they disappeared. There is an indication that the data that had been gained by performing the scan had been used to evaluate the corresponding places in order to determine whether they are legit. There is no problem if the scan is performed for a legit place and the PokéStop or Gym stays. The problem is when the scan is performed for a legit place but then the PokéStop or Gym disappears, quite possibly due to misinterpretation. This can change the overworld landscape dramatically, including for (legit) PokéStops and Gyms that have been in their places for years on end. Now the incredulity is evident.

The stance that I and quite a few Trainers have is to not scan PokéStops or Gyms, which explains the title of this post. While it does prevent Reality Blending from being fully realized, it allows the status quo of PokéStops and Gyms to be maintained, instead of being lost almost willy-nilly for the sake of the above or other petty rewards. Granted, the scanning feature is neat and very much sophisticated, but it doesn't warrant possibly losing a few PokéStops and/or Gyms for that, more so if they are perfectly fine in the first place. It would be preferable to keep standard efforts going rather than to mess them up greatly. Some of us Trainers have a right to be incredulous, and in this case, it is somewhat warranted.

PokéStop scanning has an aura of helpfulness to it, but at the same time, it also has a certain controversy through the eventual changes that it may effect on the overworld of Pokémon Go. For this, there is nothing buggy about it in the sense of the feature, but the evaluation system may be buggy due to however the decisions are made. It seems that I and many Trainers will have to take a pass on PokéStop scanning and continue to go about our Pokémon Go business as normally expected.

One year ago: Pokémon Statues
Three years ago: More Odd Poké-Pika Things
Four years ago: A 3DS Story

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