Thursday, January 7, 2021

Previous Plus One

Every so often, I discuss about yearly themes that I conceive based on different factors, including but not limited to Pokémon happenings. Those who followed my blogging journey from last year will have followed the progress of a visionary theme that turned out to be not so visionary after all. In fact, what took place last year persisted all the way to the end of the year and even thus far into the new year at the very least. That leads to the suggestion of a relevant theme, which is displayed as the title of this post - "Previous Plus One".

The phrase that represents the theme comes from an obscure game (with very little relation to Pokémon, if at all). The context of the phrase is an element that represents a continuation of the previous element, but by one. In that sense, this has already become evident with the conditions as above, and this stands to be evident with more things. For how long this will be so is another matter, but what is certain is that it will be the case for quite a good bit of the year, and the rest of the year will suit itself afterwards.

Many of those things will surely include Pokémon ones. As something that has been severely affected over this past year, Pokémon Go has pretty much adapted, though it remains to be seen how further adaptations are likely to occur. For all the other Pokémon happenings, they must surely adapt if they are to please the players or Trainers; there have been semblances of adaptations (further main series tournaments and TCG content), but more of them will have to occur to keep things fun and welcoming.

Last year, I had something that could have potentially contributed to the realization of the theme, which would be my Instagram account, though it didn't end up having many contributions. This year, I have nothing in this regard, but as with last year, anything can potentially happen. While I can't and won't say what they are or might be, they could be contributions that keep the happenings significant and the theme relevant - it does, after all, contain "plus", so it would have to contain a sense of addition as well.

Again, it seems (way too) early that I get to or decide to discuss about yearly themes, especially in relation to Pokémon. But this time, there is actually enough precedent in the early moments of the year that it seems relevant enough for any and all happenings as the conditions of last year persist into this year. That much is already relevant even for my happenings and Pokémon happenings; those that are to come will decide the relevance of practically just about everything.

Two years ago: Family Affairs
Three years ago: Rethinking Salt

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