Tuesday, January 12, 2021

To Spotlight or Not to Spotlight?

Today is a Tuesday, which means that it's time for Spotlight Hour in Pokémon Go, still persisting after all this time. With that persistence, one is bound to have come upon some familiar sights - in other words, some Pokémon that have been featured before in a certain capacity, whether in the same event or a different one. To that end, the question to be asked is the question in the title of this post. Specifically, though, the question can be broken down into three sub-questions that help to answer the main question.

Participate or not? - This question regards whether one wishes to open up Pokémon Go at the specified time and catch the featured Pokémon. One could, of course, opt out if there is a specific business going on at that time that prevents participation, but it would be just as well if one is free that one should open up Pokémon Go and participate even for just a short time to capture all the featured Pokémon within reach. At least something may be gained no matter how short the participation may be, but if one cannot at all, that may be fine too.

Incense or not? - This question regards whether one will or will not use an Incense in participating in the event. In these times especially, one is welcome to use an Incense if one happens to be unable to go out and walk as intended - which I'm aware is the case in certain regions. But if one can go out and walk safely while still following restrictions, then it may be possible to save an Incense and just catch while walking. This would be especially attractive for those who tend to save Incense only for when it is appropriate or due to a low number of them, like me in certain cases.

Shiny or not? - This question regards whether one will participate for the sake of obtaining the Shiny form of the featured Pokémon if it is available. Most would say that a Shiny Pokémon during Spotlight Hour is kind of hit-or-miss: it appears when one is not looking for it and vice versa. As with any Shiny Pokémon, my recommendation is not to get too worked up over them, which means that this shouldn't be a concern in the first place. Yet, one is welcome to go hunting intensively if the Shiny form in concern hasn't been captured.

Considering the three questions above as well as the primary question to which they are related, Spotlight Hour may be a subjective thing for some. But if the goal is clear and it is definitely viable, then it may be objectively well worth doing. Given that it has persisted for quite a long time, (non-)participation is inevitable and/or expected, especially during certain times or with certain featured Pokémon. The question in the title of this post will likely remain a contention due to the specific circumstances.

Two years ago: These Sides of Paradise
Three years ago: Another Big Shuffle Update

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