Thursday, January 28, 2021

Prospects for My Pokémon Cosplay

Well, the current situation of the world is not about to subside anytime soon, and in fact it may be getting worse (again) in certain places. It also means that cosplay and especially my Pokémon cosplay is not about to move forward either. However, there are a few things that I can still discuss about the latter, considering the framework of this blog and my interests. Specifically, they regard what will or would take place when things do move forward once again. For these, there are various things to be considered.

When I discussed about measurements for cosplay costumes, there was in fact a hidden reason for the discussion. At that time, I was about to get measured for a certain piece of clothing for one of my existing costumes. So something is about to happen on that front, but I'll explain about that when it's ready. Still, what I've discussed indicates that I can still make improvements to parts of existing costumes that I do have, and they would be ready in time for when things resume. It would be well worth it regardless before undertaking any new projects, especially in these times.

The next matter is one that I sometimes get asked during these times. Would I go somewhere outside my local area for a theme event or convention if one somehow took place? The answer is no, and I wouldn't go until it's relatively safe to do so. There will certainly be a transition period for everything, and after that has occurred, then I can start to take my Pokémon cosplay where it has been again and possibly where it has never been for the first time. But all things will come in due time, especially if a local edition can tell the tale of safety.

In the later future, there may also be the possibility of Pokémon cosplay "commissions", but this may come with a footnote. Lately, there's also been talk that cosplay "commissions" may have to come with a separate "commission" for the character and the relevant parties to that, especially if it's a major one such as that which occurs in Japan, which also became the starting point for the issue. It seems that while the issue can be sidestepped for local "commissions", it may be another story for ones that cross many and different borders. This remains an area that I may need to be observant of.

The situation is still not quite right for cosplay, at least for some time ahead. That means there is very little that can be done to advance the progression of cosplay, including my Pokémon cosplay. Yet it has become apparent that a few things need to be considered once the wheels of cosplay are set into motion once again. It remains a specific interest of mine and especially with Pokémon in tow, and it would be great to get things going for it considering certain prospects, once the world gets going as well.

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