Sunday, January 3, 2021

A Dream with Partners

I consider myself to have the oddest yet most fantastic Pokémon dreams. On one hand, they're implausible or are only very remotely plausible. On the other hand, they are so fantastic that anyone would wish that they were true. In this case, it would be not only me, but a couple of partners that were present in my dream, as the dream that I'm about to detail in this post involves those partners, who bear resemblance to (or in fact, are) some good friends that I have with links to Pokémon. This dream happened a couple of days ago.

In the dream, I and my partners were called as three representatives for something related to Pokémon, which was most likely a Pokémon adventure, as I also heard adventure game music in the background. The two partners were male and female, which is significant, as I've become closer to them recently. We had a great time together for what became our Pokémon adventure. However, at the end, the female partner disappeared after the adventure had ended. The male partner and I sought to look for her, all the while I was busying myself with a certain food item. He suggested that we use a secret vehicle, and so we went to where it was and he revealed it... and then the dream ended.

There is actually much more to the dream than what I've described above, but alas, all dreams are fleeting, and I could only note down much of the latter part of the dream as above. If I could remember all of it, I would have written that much in a heartbeat. The most fantastic part of the dream was that it lasted quite a while, seemingly that it didn't want to end either. Yet it had to end because I stopped sleeping, and most importantly, my mind sensed that the secret vehicle wasn't real and had the dream continued, I would perhaps have had trouble. While the Pokémon aspect seems minor, it's also part of what makes this dream, particularly the fact that I can then blog about it.

It has been said that if one dreams about friends - in this case the two partners that were present in my dream - it bodes well for the relationships with them. On the other hand, it might also represent the ideal that one wishes to associate with them closer. As mentioned above, I've gained closer relationships to them, so the dream is a strong indication that I'm due for and should initiate even closer and stronger relationships with them. I've already thought up of ways of how this can be, and the next step is to realize those ways. They might not be the same as the ways in the dream, but if they're related to Pokémon, then they should be pretty close.

It is perhaps not too odd to have dreams about friends, Pokémon, or both. But the dream I've just had a couple of days ago was so real yet so implausible, and so there's a certain fantasy about it. What seems to be important is that the friends are there with me in the dream and that a Pokémon relationship was established. Beyond the oddity and the fantasy of it all, I rather enjoyed the dream by way of what was involved, and it may illustrate my relationships now and in the times to come.

One year ago: A Clear Vision
Three years ago: Now Accepting Donations

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