Thursday, January 21, 2021

Seeking Comfort with Pokémon

When one thinks of Pokémon, "comfort" may not be one of the things that one also thinks of. After all, Pokémon is closely associated with "battle", which is vastly distanced from "comfort". For those who like Pokémon but don't favor the battling aspect too much in favor of "comfort", or is looking to get away from the battling aspect for a time to seek the "comfort", this might seem like a very challenging thing. However, considering a few things that are related to Pokémon, this might actually be very feasible.

Because of the way that Pokémon games have "evolved" throughout the years, there are some games that are hardly related to battling, like Pokémon Dash, Pokémon Snap (particularly a new edition coming soon), and Pokémon Art Academy, the latter of which may not even possibly be considered a game at all. It has to be admitted that it may be hard to deal with the games without battling as even the simplest games like Pokémon Shuffle has the "battle" concept built in, but some games may still afford a leeway.

Along with the games, there is music to go with them. Some pieces can actually be considered to be relaxing, and in fact, some enterprising fans have been able to compile a number of background music pieces from the games that are considered to be relaxing to some extent. The hope is, of course, that they provide comfort to those who listen to them; I've listened to one such compilation and I can say that this was somewhat true. I would say that I encourage to seek some of these compilations and have a listen for comfort.

Perhaps, the best way to have comfort with Pokémon may not be to deal with the games at all, but to have a non-game "lifestyle". There are plenty of Pokémon merchandise to be collected or gotten, and they would make a nice addition to the environment of anyone who is a fan, even if it's less of the gaming (and battling) aspect. By my observation, I already sense that there are a few people in my different Pokémon groups who can stand to do this, and therefore the non-gaming "lifestyle" is quite possible in different ways.

Still, one may not have to do all that (or conversely, to do all that and then some) to have "comfort" with Pokémon. The act of liking and appreciating Pokémon may be considered in itself to be an act of seeking "comfort", whether one is drawn to the battles or just not quite interested in partaking in them. Either way, it is quite certain that fans can enjoy Pokémon however they wish, so long as there's some good that comes out of that. And when that happens, that could certainly be construed to be "comfort".

One year ago: Getting Too Technical
Four years ago: Dreams of Itasha

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