Sunday, January 24, 2021

The State of Nominations, Part 8

Well, I've written (quite) a few opinionated posts over the past week or so, so now it's time for something a lot less opinionated, and something appropriate for that is my progress on nominating places to become PokéStops in Pokémon Go. Given the conditions of things and something that I've recently dealt with and endured, personal progress on this has been relatively slow (or rather, slower, than usual). Even so, I've still managed to make some advancements, which I can then detail in a post for that very purpose.

First comes the hard numbers, as are to be expected. I made 7 more nominations since last time for a total of 93 distinct ones, with 8 currently in progress. Of those, 3 more were approved, making my total approvals climb to 48. I've been unlucky with another superseded nomination in a similar manner as last time, raising the total number of them to 11. Finally, my rejected list grew by another 2 nominations to 26, which becomes somewhat regrettable no matter how many nominations end up this way. 

Meanwhile, on a different but quite related take to nominating PokéStops, there is the act of editing information of existing PokéStops (and Gyms). After several months of not receiving reports on the various edits I've made over the past year, many of them suddenly became approved over the past couple of months. A great deal of them are edits to titles in order to make them more specific (as in providing the name of the location), while others are to correct certain misspellings or to completely change ridiculous-sounding titles. Some PokéStops without descriptions now also contain a description, or at the least a more specific one. While edits to photos, or rather additions to them, have been reinstated since the first time I reported on them, I haven't been able to make one, nor have I been able to "shift" the locations of some PokéStops or Gyms within reason - even if these two are something I don't frequently do. Still, now I have more confidence in making these edits and will likely report on them next time as part of this post series.

Having taken care of many things, I may afford myself some more time to make more nominations. Some old rejections that I feel should have been approved are high on priorities for renomination, as well as some new discoveries that need to be newly nominated. Certain locations with plenty of possible locations for nomination might need a single trip to get them all nominated, at which point I don't have to worry for days. Whatever happens, they will all need a semblance of planning, as with nominations in general.

After reviewing the progress of my nominations eight times, I have a moderate success rate, but because of the number of nominations, that translates into lots of successes - though sadly just as many failures as well. The fact of the matter is still that wherever I go and play Pokémon Go, the local area might need a little or sometimes a lot of help in the creation of new PokéStops (and the refining of ones that already do exist). Much remains to be done by me as a fervent nominator.

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