Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Living Amidst Creatures... or Pokémon

Yesterday, Ash and I discussed about one of my recent ordeals, that of a second recent house move that is as interesting as it is disheartening. I've had a little bit of time to settle down, and I find some things about my new place neat. But then, there are the creatures that inhabit the surrounding areas, which are a stark contrast to those that I've detailed around a year ago, and they can be a little more unsettling, even frightening. Being that I have a Pokémon-oriented mind, I've decided to consider them from a Pokémon point of view.

I've been around and about, and one thing that has not changed is that there are still occasionally felines, also known as cats. A few of them, though, are seemingly like a Skitty in that they are slightly hyperactive, while a few others resemble an Alolan Persian, being somewhat sneaky. Through research, I've found that the area was formerly rice fields, so it would be natural to expect birds around and about - and they are, many during the day like the Pidgey and Taillow that they are. These are some of the more common ones.

Then, there are some uncommon ones. Just a short walk up from my house, I've detected the possibility that a few Skiddo and/or Gogoat are living in a shed just beyond the bounds of my neighborhood. I've also had the opportunity to go out in the evening and at times detect the likes of Zubat and Woobat flying all around, perhaps a little too close to my liking. I don't hope of encountering their larger evolved kin, but that perhaps wouldn't be in my best interest, or for anyone around for that matter.

Most of the above aren't too frightening, but some other creatures may be. The same evening I had an opportunity to go out, I encountered a snake that then went off and away. My only hope is that it was more like a Servine rather than an Ekans or a Seviper. Though less frightening than snakes, I've also seen more lizards than I am accustomed to; likewise, I'm hoping that they will play down their Salandit-like characteristics - if they have any - and remain on rather friendly terms.

This second house move in a few years has been an ordeal in itself. What seems to add to that ordeal is encountering the creatures that make their way around my new neighborhood. Frankly, some of them puts me a little on edge, considering their typical nature. That seems to not be the case (too much) when I think of them with Pokémon terms. They are all still something to wonder about as they are a part of my neighborhood, and I continue to live amidst them just as I live my life amidst Pokémon. 

Four years ago: All in the Cards

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