Monday, January 20, 2020

Pokémon Go Community Day, 1/19/2020

Me: So, yes. That secondary Pokémon agenda from yesterday was to catch a lot of Pokémon. It's like that one time from two months ago.

Ash: This seems to happen a lot of times when you send me to events or conventions. Did you plan this?

Me: No, not really. But sometimes when they happen, they just happen at the same time. And when that happens, there's not much that I can do - for that matter, even you.

Ash: All right. I'm still happy to help out. So, yesterday, you asked me to catch a lot of Piplup. I like Piplup - even though it was not one of my Pokémon, Dawn likes it a lot.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu! ["Not just her!"]

Ash: Well, I guess everyone likes Piplup. One of your figure friends really likes it too.

Me: Indeed that person does. Now, this is a Water-type starter Pokémon, so I think you know what move it would have when it becomes an Empoleon.

Ash: Yeah! Hydro Cannon would be the move.

Me: Good stuff. The bonuses for yesterday were also like two months ago with Eggs hatching faster, but the Shiny thing is a given deal. How were things yesterday?

Ash: I did OK. This time the place had a few more PokéStops so I could get a few more items off of them and maybe another Piplup or two, but I didn't catch as many Piplup as I'd hoped and sometimes the item supply was really low. And I only caught two Shiny Piplup.

Me: You know, that's OK. I think part of the problem was dividing time between this and the event. Speaking of time, this happened in the late afternoon, right?

Ash: Yeah, it did! I guess it was neat that it happened then, but I was worried since you told me it could rain. It didn't, though, so it was safe, and the event was safe.

Me: What about Empoleon? How many did you evolve?

Ash: I evolved the Shiny one with the best stats, but the CP was low. I also evolved a couple that I think you need to power up for battle. So, three total.

Me: That's better than nothing. I can make this up over the course of this year... I think. What else did you do?

Ash: I met lots of other Trainers catching Piplup! We all had fun together. I shared with them your tips and tricks, and we even raided a Heatran and a Klink.

Pikachu: Pika chu, pika pika! ["Of course, lots of fun!"]

Me: That is the thing that should happen with this. Everyone should get together and have fun, even if the circumstances are limiting like this one was.

Ash: I did as much as I could. But I had fun doing it too!

Me: Why not. That is the best thing that could possibly happen no matter the results.

One year ago: Cosplay: Toys Week Season 2
Two years ago: Cosplay: AsiA Cosplay Competition 2018, Day 1
Three years ago: All in the Cards

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