Sunday, January 20, 2019

Cosplay: Toys Week Season 2

Me: All right, this one should be neat. This theme event - or rather, an exhibition - is about toys, games, and play things, but characters like you are welcome.

Ash: That's great! There are figures, dolls, and little cars everywhere. And I see lots of things that you might like.

Pikachu: Pika pi-ka! [enthused]

Me: Yeah, but I can't necessarily buy them all, unlike catching Pokémon. I'm too short-funded for that. I'd have to think about the one thing I want and to get that one.

Ash: Oh, like when you thought about sending me here, right? Didn't you have to decide about that?

Me: I did. I was torn between my own Pokémon agenda and sending you here. But then I decided on the latter so that I could get in touch with more people. Besides, you did help out with some of what I was supposed to do, right?

Ash: Right! I helped you out in catching-

Pikachu: Pika pi! Pika pika! [interrupting to cut off]

Me: Wait, wait. I'll do the explaining on that one on some other post real soon. Thanks, Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pika! [compliments]

Ash: Oh, right, sorry. Well, at least I got in the character parade, but it seems like there's a lot that got in too, more than 40 or so. Oh yeah, the ones who held the parade wanted me to pose as well, like someone that people say is "bizarre".

Me: That's neat and unique; I've never heard of doing it like that. And how'd you do?

Ash: I changed the Z-Power pose a bit as if he could do it. You sent me with my Alola outfit complete with the Z-Ring, so it was right that you sent me with that. About the results, as you planned it, I couldn't stay long enough to hear about them. Maybe it'll be OK, but we won't know right away.

Pikachu: Pika... [wondering]

Me: Well, yeah, that's the thing with faraway events like this. We may or may not be lucky to hear about the results, depending on the length of stay.

Ash: By the way, I got you in touch with your figure friends again. I like being with them.

Me: So do I. They're an interesting lot, and it's great to be with them. That's part of why I decided to send you here, so you can do that.

Ash: And I got you something good by a machine draw too.

Me: Really? That should be good. I'll write something about it too.

Ash: This was so great. I hope there will be one like this again sometime.

Me: I hope so too. If it's anything like this one was, then I definitely want in - certainly with Pokémon too!

Pikachu: Pi, pikachu! [excited]

One year ago: Cosplay: AsiA Cosplay Competition 2018, Day 1
Two years ago: All in the Cards

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