Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Let's Talk About Homes and the Place to Be

Me: OK, I was kind of lost about what I should discuss today. But then I remembered last month's "Let's Talk", and I -we - actually hinted something significant there. So I figure, let's close up the circle with another "Let's Talk".

Ash: Nice! I've actually been waiting for this one too. So why not? Let's talk about it.

Pikachu: Pika pika pika! ["Let's get to it!"]

Me: So, over the past month or so, I've actually been in another house-moving process, the second in a couple of years. In a way, it's the move that should have happened then. And unlike the previous one, this one is expected to be the last for hopefully some time in the future.

Ash: And I heard that it's done! Is it?

Me: Yes, it's done. But there seems to be still many more loose ends to tie up. You might have seen a few of them.

Ash: Oh, yes. They look hard to deal with. But I still think you can do something about them.

Me: Well, I hope so. Because some of these are issues that shouldn't have been in the first place.

Ash: Really though, Pikachu and like your house. It reminds me of my house in Pallet Town, because it sort of looks like mine. Right?

Pikachu: Pi pika! ["It does!"]

Me: You know, it does in a way. I guess now I have your "home".

Ash: But it's not something I often see since I'm always out somewhere, because I'm a Pokémon Trainer.

Me: No, no it's not. If I had the choice and possibility, I'd love to do what you do, being out and about around the world.

Ash: Being on the road does have its ups and downs, though, so it's not for everyone. At the same time, I don't see why it can't happen. I've heard stories of how some people do it in your world.

Me: That's true. Some people have done that, and they make for good stories that rival those of Pokémon Trainers, including you. But then they do eventually go back home, so the point is kind of moot.

Ash: It's not like I'm homeless either - it's just that Pikachu and I spend so much time on the road before we eventually come home.

Pikachu: Pi, pika pika. ["Yeah, it's like that."]

Me: So we have our own places to be - mine with a home and not very often on the road, and yours often on the road but with the option of occasionally coming back home.

Ash: I think you've got the point nicely. Still, you can always discover other places just as much I have the possibility of coming back home.

Me: That I'd love to do. But for now I'm fine with settling in, and I guess you've got lots more stuff to do on the road.

Ash: And don't forget about home either.

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Of course!"]

Me: There will always be happy returns either way.

Two years ago: Peace
Three years ago: Suspending My Disbelief
Four years ago: Ash, Satoshi, or... Ali?

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