Saturday, January 19, 2019


I noted in my post about rivalries that it took me quite some time before I finally addressed the topic. I may have just the reason why that seems to be the case: I'm a peace-loving person. I'm not an advocate for hostilities to resolve any kind of conflict, nor would I want to be involved in them directly unless push comes to shove. And yet, with Pokémon involved in my life, this might seem like a contradictory situation, being that "battles" are involved. But there's still a sense that this can and does work out somehow.

In a post about sports that is now about one and a half years old, I noted that Pokémon battling may be considered the sport of the Pokémon world, notwithstanding conventional sports that may exist alongside, with or without a Pokémon twist. This is practically my consideration for what Pokémon battles can and should be, as something that is done in situations of peace. Though the games do show that Pokémon battles can take place in hostile conditions for conflict resolution, I would consider them as a last resort personally. I'd prefer to participate in them as athletes would in other kinds of sports... for which real Pokémon World Championship battles (VGC and TCG) could be considered to fall into as well, under the banner of "e-Sports", and may deserve a different discussion. As for rivalries themselves, I'd prefer to have mild ones that preserve good relationships rather than intense ones that create bad ones. In that way, peace can still prevail.

What I do in the real world and what I would do in the Pokémon world could be considered to have some parallels. I want to do something that is beneficial for the multitude, but not be necessarily involved in the front lines of conflict. An example that is shown in some Pokémon games is farming or ranching with Pokémon; it's perhaps something I would do in the real world if I weren't happy with what I do now and I had the skills to do it, while I'd heartily accept doing it in the Pokémon world. That doesn't mean I don't want to or won't get involved in Pokémon battles, again as the games indicate. There, I'd still consider it a game or a leisure activity that I'd take part in to support others who initiate them on a regular basis. And then this parallels what I do with the Pokémon games in real life.

A wise person once said that a person who avoids struggle, conflict, or debate, even if the person is right, is a good person. I won't disagree with that; that seems to be a good way of life in the real world, and perhaps the Pokémon world. Even so, it seems in either world I won't be able to completely escape conflict - especially considering the other topic of rivalries - and I may have to resort to doing something to resolve it. But if I can miraculously remove myself from the conflict yet still have it be resolved, then that would be a great thing indeed.

I suppose there's still room for peace in both of these two worlds. No matter what I do, I'll still be involved with both of them. It's only right, then, that I do good things in my real life and my Pokémon life that would sidestep much of the hostility that can make them a lot worse. In doing so, I can attempt to preserve peace as much as possible in and across the two worlds. And to end this post, I present a greeting from another game series that nicely sums up what I discuss:


One year ago: Suspending My Disbelief
Two years ago: Ash, Satoshi, or... Ali?

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