Saturday, January 2, 2021

Pokémon Blogging Wellness

As has become obvious, I've blogged about Pokémon for four years now and starting on the fifth. It's been a fascinating ride over that period of time, but it has its moments. Many of those moments stem from the ways and hows of my blogging, and how that personally affects me. In the time when many people and things are unwell, it seems appropriate to take a post to discuss about the wellness of it all.

Being that I'm a Pokémon blogger, I am linked to playing the games, which is in fact how I started. Therefore, I am a gamer as well, and gamers are a booming profession nowadays. They have been likened to athletes and would likely require much of the same ways to stay healthy, especially if the profession is full-time. I'm not a full-time gamer - my "full-time" is something else - but I sense that I would benefit from their ways. Yet this isn't always easy for me to implement with all the things I do for Pokémon, blogging, and others. Regardless, I have to stay well somehow for the Pokémon activities that would eventually lead to posts on this blog.

Then there are the ways of making those posts. Longtime readers will recognize that they have been made (specifically, published) at different times, sometimes through certain unimaginable ways. When they work out with my daily routines, they work out, but sometimes they push my daily routines to the most extreme, and this could affect my wellness. I still do hope that in many cases the effects are less detrimental and more beneficial both for myself and other people who read this blog - hopefully many others.

Combine them together, and I've got a recipe for success with good management... or disaster with a poor one. Either of them, though, have not been particularly evident in the four years I've had this blog. Furthermore, on some days it would seem like I'm nearing the latter, while on others I seem to feel the former. Whatever I do, I'm subject to the whims of both blogging efforts and Pokémon efforts, affected by whatever other efforts I pursue, some of which are also relevant to both. Therefore, my well-being remains important no matter what to support both.

Admittedly, this effort of Pokémon blogging is a double effort, being that I have to go back and forth between the two. It could be considered amazing that it has lasted as long as it has. What is and would be more amazing is to be able to keep that up while keeping up my well-being, particularly in these times of unwellness. That should mean greater success and hopefully greater wellness for that success.

One year ago: New Post Categories
Two years ago: Taking the Plunge
Three years ago: What's Next?
Four years ago: ...And a Hoppip New Year

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