Saturday, January 9, 2021

Introducing Collection Challenges

The expansible nature of Pokémon Go makes it possible to add features that elaborate existing features with unique characteristics. One of them in the past had been Timed Research, which coupled a Special Research with a time-based Today View card to put time pressure on Trainers. This time, there is another feature that is added in a similar fashion, which by the title of this post can be discerned as Collection Challenge. Like Timed Research, it has some complexity of its own that deserves to be explained in a post.

A Collection Challenge demands a Trainer to be able to catch a certain assortment of Pokémon within a certain amount of time. The list of Pokémon are indicated on the card containing the Collection Challenge. Only one of each Pokémon needs to be caught, at which point the Pokémon will be marked with a check mark. When all the Pokémon have been marked with check marks, the Collection Challenge is complete and its rewards can be claimed. Naturally, this needs to happen within the set time.

Essentially, the Collection Challenge utilizes the framework of a Timed Research in order to provide a single page of catch-a-Pokémon tasks, but they're all counted as a single, massive task, meaning no individual rewards for catching each one. The rewards for completing one, though, should be sufficiently swell. Furthermore, a special medal has now been added that keeps track of the Collection Challenges that are completed, which should and does imply that there will be more, with details to follow.

Currently, there is one Collection Challenge, and it's called the Unova Collection Challenge. As expected, it directs Trainers to catch Pokémon that hail from the Unova region, or the fifth-generation Pokémon. The current Collection Challenge demands one to catch Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott (the starters), plus Lillipup, Herdier, Blitzle, Solosis, Roggenrola, and Ferroseed. It may be considered relatively simple for a start, as quite a few (including me) have completed it within a few days. Further ones are likely to be more demanding.

This new Collection Challenge feature is quite elaborative of the Research feature. Now Trainers can be challenged to catch a selection of certain Pokémon in order to succeed and gain some things. As with Timed Research, the urgency is there, but now so is the drive for collecting as a key part of any Pokémon adventure. In that way, it becomes very unique and rewarding while at the same time complex. And it keeps Trainers going as the game keeps on expanding through its means.

Two years ago: Pokémon Ceramics
Three years ago: Hitching a Raid Ride
Four years ago: A Tale of Two Shirts

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