Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Pokémon Ceramics

Near the place where I live, there is a locally famous place named "Ceramic Alley". It's named that way because there are several ceramic and pottery shops that peddle many interesting wares, including some based on popular culture features. The last time I was there, I hadn't found any related to Pokémon, though perhaps if I looked harder, I would find some; they may even be open to requests for custom wares, including related to Pokémon. This is something that has prompted me to discuss about this kind of merchandise.

Due to the fragile nature of this kind of merchandise and given the friendly-to-all nature of Pokémon, this is one kind of merchandise that may not be expected to be officially expanded. However, some form of ceramics may be expected to be available, and included among those are things like mugs and bowls. These are reasonably basic and have the potential to be enjoyed by anyone who likes Pokémon. Admittedly, though, this may appeal for the older of fans, who will have the care for even these basic things. Beyond the basics, things get somewhat intricate.

A possible kind of ceramic merchandise for Pokémon could be a savings container, most likely in the shape of certain Pokémon. This would be impressive, but to keep it that way, it would have to be designed with a plug (for retrieving money) to maintain use rather than designed to be broken to do so. Then, there could be various holders for plants or candles and so on; these would have to appeal to those who enjoy those things in addition to Pokémon. Figures too could be made out of ceramics, but these would be expected to be heavier than their plastic counterparts and require a lot of care. This last part seems to apply well for any of these.

Ceramic Pokémon merchandise is an intriguing idea, if not for its complications. Even at its simplest, this takes some amount of care and appreciation, which only increases with complex merchandise. But for any really dedicated Pokémon fan - like me - they could possess just enough of them to be interested in this kind of merchandise. I certainly do, and I have quite a bit, especially considering that locally famous place. I may have to come back to Ceramic Alley to satisfy myself regarding merchandise of this kind.

One year ago: Hitching a Raid Ride
Two years ago: A Tale of Two Shirts

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