Sunday, January 31, 2021

Zorua in Mareep Clothing

Lately, there have been a few real happenings that appear as if they were orchestrated from the inside out. It is as if the instigators for those happenings were "wolves in sheep's clothing", if described with an idiomatic expression from the real world. Of course, I'm a Pokémon fan, so I tend to think of that in Pokémon terms as well, which in my mind then becomes "Zorua in Mareep clothing". But then, there seems to be more to say about those happenings and the thought process for this expression in general, so it would be wise to take a post in order to describe them all in both realistic and Pokémon terms.

For those real happenings, it may be considered that the instigators did not intend for them to happen the way they did, but what's done is done, and the instigators make themselves out to be like the idiomatic expression, or at least my Pokémon version of it. They might "just have been ordinary Mareep" in the first place. Still, there have been indications that prior to the happenings, they had developed mentalities that were far from anything that is well-meaning. Therefore the interpretation of the expression stands, and that they are in fact Zorua that had put themselves into the "clothing" of Mareep. Even with that, the idiomatic expression does lead to a few considerations when Pokémon considerations are included.

Those well-versed in Pokémon behaviors will know about the behaviors of the Zorua species family (with Zoroark), in that it has the capability of making itself appear to be other living things by transforming into their likenesses, as one episode and a feature film can attest. In that respect, Mareep is very much within the possibility of their realm of transformations. The transformation can also appear to be perfect for those oblivious, though the discovery of their transformations may be quick, for those who detect them. Their transforming behavior also technically doesn't represent them as "wearing" the clothing that is their transformations - rather, they are the clothing, or at the very least could be described as being one with it. It seems that the idiomatic expression could be a little off in this sense.

The real happenings that have happened remain regrettable well after their happenings and even when they have appeared to be resolved. There is no hiding the fact that the instigators as the primary actors may have been acting as the false likenesses they are, under a different guise. That, however, doesn't stop this Pokémon fan from attempting to analyze the happenings under a Pokémon context, as well as the Pokémon context itself. Both of them have their aura of fascinating intrigue and deceiving trickery.

Two years ago: The Magic of 25
Four years ago: It's Been a Month...

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