Saturday, January 16, 2021

Pokémon Go Community Day, 1/16/2021

OK, so the first commemoration or celebration that I hinted yesterday is the monthly Pokémon Go commemoration that is Community Day, which took place today this month. It's always a commemoration because of the things that it involves, from the featured Pokémon to whatever else it might involve. This month, the commemoration can be said to be spirited - as in fighting spirit - in at least one way, not the least of which is because of the featured Pokémon. That should have provided a little extra power for Trainers as they accepted and went through what it had to offer.

For this month, the featured Pokémon is Machop, a Fighting-type Pokémon of the first generation. Machop had already had its Shiny form released a long time ago, but it's not very commonplace (that is, not many Trainers have it); this literally becomes the biggest chance to obtain it. When it evolves to Machamp with this event, it gains the Charged Move of Payback, a Dark-type move that could be useful to counter certain things, especially in PvP. The regular bonus is triple Stardust for captures, which is always coveted by many Trainers. There are many chances to be gained with this edition, therefore.

The usual menagerie of accompanying incentives goes without saying (Incense, six hours, taking snapshots, and so on) considering the way things are in the world today. There is no extra Timed Research, however, most likely since Machop doesn't specially evolve except by a trade that absolves the Candy requirement. The extra paid Special Research, which is titled "Straight to the Top, Machop!" may also be obtained for free under a very specific circumstance, which is not to be explained now; what can be told now is that its storyline involves a made-up Pokémon movie featuring the species. Other than that, the Community Day is business as usual.

I had a multitude of other businesses to attend to, some of which had progressed over the course of the previous month. Despite that, I was still able to get in some significant Community Day time, which I deem to be valuable nonetheless. I didn't get through as many PokéStops as I had wanted to, but I was able to flush out all of the means available (free Box, free Ultra Balls, and Poké Balls from Gifts) for additional capture assistance, and that should have helped. Since Machoke evolves free of Candy to Machamp after being traded, I wanted to capitalize on this to evolve a few traded ones, and I did: I evolved a good one, an early traded memento, a potentially helpful Shiny one, and as something unique, a Shadow one that I earlier had removed Frustration from. They are all unique and likely to be helpful in their various ways.

No matter the circumstance, Community Day is likely to be a commemoration or celebration for many Trainers, and this one has quite a bit of that spirit, especially as fighting spirit. Machop gets the fighting spirit to become all that it can be, and Trainers get something valuable that may be used in any Pokémon battle venue. All that is likely to make up the extra power needed by Trainers to go through the situation of this month's Community Day and incur a good deal of achievements.

One year ago: Only Women Like You
Two years ago: Pokémon Conversations
Four years ago: My Pokémon Anime Epoch

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