Monday, January 16, 2017

My Pokémon Anime Epoch

"Epoch" is the starting point, the point from where things begin. My starting point for where I began to enjoy the anime came just after I started playing the first generation games. It all started with a discovery that was quite incidental. While I was in a space where a turned-on TV was quite visible, someone started to flip through the channels. The channel-flipping ended when the Pokémon anime came on screen; I knew it was the Pokémon anime because I did recognize Pikachu, the de facto series mascot, on screen. Since the audio was turned down, at that time I could not tell what was going on, and shortly after that I had to move away from the space, thus not affording me much time to watch.

I did, however, look up the TV schedules after this occurrence and confirmed that it was the Pokémon anime being shown on a channel that I could readily watch. I also found that I was somewhat late to this fact as the airing of the anime at that point was nearing the end of the Kanto saga. Regardless, at this point I already became attracted to the anime and started to follow it, though on an off-regular basis. For the Kanto saga, I picked up the novelizations - the transformation of specific episodes into prosaic form - as well as other episodes scattered on different media, which allowed me to catch up with some of the episodes I didn't watch initially. I am interested in replaying the entire Kanto saga should I have the time and the resources to devote to this effort.

The discovery of the Pokémon anime was really a turning point for me. It was as if a game that I had just picked up and became interested in suddenly came to life in a more vivid manner. This, combined with the games, was really an epoch for the marvelous Pokémon things of the future, as well as where I stand today.

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