Monday, January 25, 2021

I Need Great Pokémon Friends

Pokémon has been something great I've had in my life, to be sure. But what I also and always could use in my life are great friends that can possibly link themselves (or in fact have been already linked) to Pokémon as well as myself. After the progression of my entire day today, what happened only affirmed that this is so, and given that ideas for other upcoming posts on this blog are not quite yet set in stone, I've decided to write about this topic today to fill the gap between them.

Some of those great friends, in fact, are ones that are always there - with some of them having been previously described in posts on this blog. Two of them even appeared in a dream earlier this month, and as the month has progressed, they've become ever greater with what they do. Another one is quite loyal to the affairs of Pokémon Go, even willing to assist in some technological heuristics to check why things are or aren't progressing well; this one became pertinent a couple of years ago on my birthday, but remains pertinent even today. I absolutely cannot do without them.

A few great friends, though, may evidently be ones that I have met on the spot. I've met one such person today over the Internet, and not only is the person very warm, the person is knowledgeable and has the hallmarks of a true Pokémon fan. It reminds me of the similar meeting I had with one of the two friends above before becoming someone who is always there, and others I've met at different times and described in a different post such a long time ago. The challenge, as became evident with the latter, is keeping the great ties to them, which could obviously be hard due to distance.

Then there are ones that don't appear to have a Pokémon connection but have been once linked through Pokémon circumstances. A couple of them (which could have been a trio under the right circumstances) contacted me over a video call tonight, and this became the crux for conceiving this post. While Pokémon wasn't the direct topic of our video call, it did manage to be mentioned in the specific things we brought up; this shows its importance to me and how this leaves impressions on them. Further conversations over video call might continue to bring up Pokémon in this same way.

Much has happened with me and Pokémon over the years, and some of those happenings have resulted in friendship relations that I appreciate, especially if they can be maintained well within that timeframe. If anything, today became a reminder of those relationships with all that I do that may also incur the involvement of Pokémon in some way. The demand that I pose in the title of this post remain something that is true at present and at any other time, and especially however way it is involved.

Four years ago: Keychains!

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