Saturday, January 25, 2020

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 1/25/2020

Sometimes, it's worth it to make my Pokémon Go event rollup at an appropriate time, and that time happens to be now. As to why it is an appropriate time, I will explain that over the course of this rollup. However, I can also say that right now this rollup is also appropriate since most of the content of the events can be described as of today, which carries through to the end of the month. Therefore, there is really no need to delay writing up the rollup until a later time; it can be done right now, and what better time than this appropriate time.

In the first half of the month, there was the Hatchathon, which is a repeat of last year's event with a few twists. This year, Pokémon with party hats joined the fun, including costume newcomers Wurmple, Raticate, and Wobbuffet, all with the possibility of being Shiny like their other party hat kin of Pichu and Pikachu, though not with the possibility of evolution for the first one. The double Candy and Stardust for hatches were retained, along with a few other bonuses. This event is billed as a way to get some resolutions going, and I have to say I agree to some extent. Of course, with the party hat Pokémon in the fray, I can't help but think that it keeps the party going as well.

On the last weekend of the month - which happens to be right now - there is a Special Raid Weekend featuring the Eon duo of Latias and Latios. By now, their appearance in raids is sporadic and their Shiny forms have been released, which seemingly doesn't warrant them further mentions. But for the purpose of this rollup on this blog, they do deserve a mention as a potentially fleeting event, with only three days of appearance. At least I would still personally join in if I'm capable, which I'm not at the moment. For those who can and need to deal with them, as well as anyone who has even the slightest bit of interest, it's still worth it.

As for the thing that makes this time an appropriate time, that would concern the last significant event of the month. Today is indeed the Lunar New Year, and like previous occasions, it has its own event to celebrate things. Unlike last year, the theme this year is Pokémon that are colored red, certainly an important color for the celebrations. This makes it a perfect segue for Darumaka to enter the fray as its first introduction, as well as the red Gyarados as the Shiny form of the regular kind. This celebration will carry on through until the end of the month and a little of the beginning of the next one, but that should be fine for covering the celebrations that occur in this month in this post.

Today is indeed special due to the festive celebration of the Lunar New Year, but then so are the things that happened in Pokémon Go over the course of this month. All of them seem perfectly suited to start off this year with a bang, which is most likely the intent. With that, it does seem like this is the perfect time to make this rollup and not at any other time in the remaining time of this month. I can't ask that the events happen more appropriately in this month than in this manner, and perhaps so do others.

One year ago: Keep Calm and Carry On Researching
Two years ago: Performance Critique: ACC 2018 Single Performance
Three years ago: Keychains!

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