Friday, January 1, 2021

Hoppip New Year 2021

Hoppip New Year. Well, whether or not there are the current conditions in the world today, this blog continues for the purpose of bringing to everyone how I revolve around Pokémon and how Pokémon revolves around me. The current conditions will certainly be a limiting factor, but where there are limits, they may be broken to a certain extent. Therefore, in the times ahead, the challenge for me will be how to work within and beyond those limits in order to present the Pokémon world and my world with Pokémon.

While no one knows when the current conditions in the world will resolve themselves, it is certain that everyone and everything, including me and Pokémon, has to continue somehow, and for the latter, that should be the plan. Because of that, I as a Pokémon fan would like to be there wherever and whenever possible. That's a prime reason for continuing this blog. Plus, there is still a major anniversary on the way, and that's a very good reason regardless as well as something to enjoy this year for Pokémon.

One major factor that will seem to play a major part this year is making headways. With the anniversary above, that becomes a great reason as such, and much of the efforts are to be expected. For me personally, I still believe this blog is a key part of that, even though four years in the effort have not indicated anything significant. Yet, it's still a primary drive for all of what I do with and around Pokémon. Still, it's possible to look for other ways to drive Pokémon activities, and I think I may have found such ways. I hope to arrive at them soon.

With a Hoppip New Year, it also demands a "Hoppip Report" by way of Pokémon Go as I've made in previous years. Some time after Team Go Rocket invaded, Hoppip eventually became one of the Pokémon that they turned into a Shadow Pokémon. Since then, I've been able to encounter and capture them, though I've always ended up transferring them because their stats are nothing to write home about. Eventually, I'm likely to find a Shadow Hoppip with good stats, and that will surely be one to keep. 

Finally, with four years on this blog, the list at the end of my posts grows ever larger. Yet, with the daily nature of this blog, it seems to be something important for each post. It also has worked all the time - for me to implement and surely for readers to follow along, hopefully - so there is no pertinent need to change something that works. The next step then becomes to make sure that everything Pokémon works this year and in all the times to come, and with this blog, I'd like to make sure that happens. All fans, of course, can do the same thing.

One year ago: Hoppip New Year 2020
Two years ago: Hoppip New Year 2019
Three years ago: Hoppip New Year 2018
Four years ago: First Post Time!

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