Sunday, January 17, 2021

Wishes for Good Days

And, well, the second commemoration or celebration I touched on two days ago is my birthday, which is evident from posts from past years below. It is supposed to be a personally special time, though that may be less so with whatever I've got going on and the state of the world today. Yet I'm still a Pokémon fan, and that's something I'm expecting to not change within the future, near or far. Pokémon is good for me, even if the rest of the world isn't being so nice to me, or everyone else right now for that matter. That's why I've opted to discuss about what I (and other Pokémon fans) wish for the better days to come, in line with wishes that traditionally accompany a birthday.

What I personally wish for are even more accessible ways of enjoying Pokémon stuff no matter where I am. I'm not about to go anywhere far while the state of the world is as it is, but it would be helpful if there were ways that I could enjoy Pokémon stuff anywhere in the days that I'm able to travel once again for all the Pokémon things that I do. In that sense, the Switch is a priority spend for this purpose, something that hasn't even happened since the first day it was released. But I'm also expecting innovations of the Internet for Pokémon purposes in addition to whatever is available now to enjoy Pokémon content my way and even other ways that I have not thought of before. This is a dynamic that I need to be observant of.

For the wishes that I and others share, an important one would be a return of all the ways that we can enjoy Pokémon things as they once were. Even if that's not possible due to the way current situations have changed things around, the way that they have changed might still be reasonable to be kept in certain ways - for example, remote ways of doing things, like remote competitions and remote play (as through the Remote Raid Pass of Pokémon Go). But of course, most importantly, we wish for the current situations themselves to die down so that we can get back to live... though in all honesty that is what we are doing even now, while still staying clear of the bad things.

For me today, though, there can only be good things. I spent the former half of the day finishing up a few things of my own accord while also playing Pokémon Go, and that turned out rather satisfactory. The rest of the day I spent for ventures that may or may not possibly be related to Pokémon; it still would be nice to know if those ventures do result in something related to Pokémon.

It's been a long year (more or less in different places) since the onset of current conditions, but I have some faith that I, other Pokémon fans, and Pokémon itself will make it out just fine. That's a good wish, especially now that it's my birthday.

Happy birthday to me, and well wishes for everyone, especially Pokémon fans.

One year ago: Always Together
Two years ago: Wonderful Opportunities
Four years ago: A Pokémon Party?

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