Thursday, January 9, 2020

(Finally, Another) Local EX Raid, 1/9/2020

Early last month, I noted that I haven't really been able to participate in EX Raids ever since lots of things happened last year, not all of them pleasant. However, during the second of the double event that happened nearly a couple of weeks ago, I raided (more precisely, Ash raided) a Virizion at a Gym next to the event location, which also happens to be an EX Raid Gym, as well as the one which makes up much of my initial history with these raids. Needless to say, I not only got a Virizion, but also the EX Raid Pass for one that was scheduled today.

Much has changed since the last time I participated in an EX Raid, as noted in the other post, as well as regarding its boss. The boss is now Regigigas, which for those who paid for the Colossal Discovery event is gotten through said event, making the event a preview before its entry in EX Raids. Alas, that is just one Regigigas, and that doesn't even guarantee the best stats possible. To obtain more, one would still have to participate in EX Raids regardless, which is part of why I was here today.

The other reason was to see who else made it to the EX Raid. It turns out that there weren't much of them. Of my raid fellows, the ones who made it were the person with whom the Virizion raid occurred, one of my Best Friends in the game that I invited to the EX Raid using my invitation privilege, another fellow who lived on the opposite side of town, and yet another who I used to live close to. The rest was made up of "invisible forces" that I wasn't sure of their whereabouts even if they were visible.

The key issues regarding this edition of the EX Raid were rain, as always at this time of year, and the paucity of participants. Just before the EX Raid started, the rain had let up, but then it started to rain again after it had started. Rain seems to be an iffy thing even now with EX Raids. As for the participants, there were 10 in all, among one of the fewest; it used to be that an EX Raid at this place was crowded, and now it seems that the popularity has faded. Then again, it may have been because of the rain wreaking havoc.

A successful battle also led to a successful capture as well, despite all the problems and that the raid resulted in only about 10 Premier Balls for capture. It wasn't the only success this day as well; earlier on, I had gotten Lucky with two of my Best Friends, one of which came to the EX Raid, with which we also performed a Lucky Trade for each other's Riolu. Then there were a few other successes later on after the EX Raid. But what is obviously important for now is the success of this EX Raid after having waited for a long time for one.

Me: Thanks for the Virizion and Regigigas.

Ash: Don't mention it. I'm glad! I'll help out whenever I can.

Me: Sure! I think it might just happen pretty soon.

One year ago: Pokémon Ceramics
Two years ago: Hitching a Raid Ride
Three years ago: A Tale of Two Shirts

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