Sunday, January 19, 2020

Cosplay: Cosplay on the Street

Me: This one should be a little different.

Ash: How so?

Me: Typically, when I send you to events or conventions, especially ones around my area there is an expectation of certain competitions. This one has none of that; this one is to just relax and show off. Consider it a break from what I usually want you to do.

Ash: Hey, I like that! I'm up for it.

Pikachu: Pika pika chu. ["I like that too."]

Me: Great, huh? But first, I need to send you to make that hair of yours at least look a little better, for your sake and my own sake. Luckily, the place is right next to the event location. My trusty hairstylist should be able to help you with that.

Ash: OK, sure. I could always use some help with that.

Me: Did you get it done?

Ash: Yeah! I think it looks good now. So... wait, the event is in the park from some weeks ago!

Me: Yes, it is. The intent is for you to gather up there with the others, talk about things, and just have fun a bit. Did you do that?

Ash: Yeah, I told them about who you are and why you keep sending me. There was a ninja teacher character, and he spoke of you and me highly. I think we're really welcomed, so we have to keep it that way.

Pikachu: Pika pika! ["We have to."]

Me: How about the "fun" part? What did you do?

Ash: We played charades with some of the equipment from the others. We took them like we didn't know about what they are and we imagined what they could be. You should have seen it - it was unique and everyone had a hoot!

Me: That should have been lots of fun. And, I confess, you should have had fun with a secondary Pokémon agenda I sent you to do. Did you do it?

Ash: Well, of course. I'd do it for Pokémon and you. The results should be OK for you.

Me: Excellent. We'll discuss the details in tomorrow's post. What else did you do for fun there?

Ash: I met other people who did what you told me to do, and we met up for a bit. Then I spent the rest of the day with the others. I wanted to more, but it was getting late and I wasn't up for more with what happened today, so I went back to you.

Pikachu: Pika. Pika pika chu. ["Yeah. So many things happened."]

Me: That's OK. As for this day, what do you think overall?

Ash: It was fun! But it turned out to be a lot, also with that second thing you wanted me to do. Maybe next time this can happen on its own. It was also a bit later than when it was supposed to start because most everyone was late.

Me: I hope so. This deserves another chance with a better scheduling for different "ends of the bargain", so to speak. If that happens, then we should be in it too.

Ash: I agree! Why not?

Pikachu: Pika! ["Yes!"]

One year ago: Peace
Two years ago: Suspending My Disbelief
Three years ago: Ash, Satoshi, or... Ali?

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