Sunday, January 21, 2018

Cosplay: AsiA Cosplay Competition 2018, Day 2

Without further ado.


So, it's Day 2 of the event from yesterday. It seems like events that go for two days are strange for me, because it feels different on both days. And then for this event, my friend here tells me it's held a little later, but only by about a week. I still like it though, and I'll still come when I'm asked to.

Pikachu: Pika! [in agreement]

Haha, that makes two of us. So with the same event at the same place, not much was different. Even the food and goodies for sale were pretty much the same. For that, I came back with my Kanto-Johto outfit, just because it was easier for me. But I was told that things would start early and end early, so you know I just had to come soon. After that first day I had as a Trainer, I wouldn't miss it for the world. I like seeing the guest performances and the other characters in the parade and team performances. They're awesome too.

And of course, today's the day when the results are announced. It's the time to see if I will be rewarded for my efforts. And... I'm sad to say I wasn't. We didn't make it, Pikachu. I'm sorry. I was kind of hoping we could.

Pikachu: Chu. [very dejected]

At least we had some fun at the event. We met people and other characters, and we hanged out with them while we showed our stuff, just like we always do when we're asked to go. I'm still a little bummed, but there's always another event or convention to go to and do everything again. Thank you, my friend, for letting me have this chance - and I'll come up with something great next time!


Thank you, Ash, for helping me review the event. For the rest of the events this year, I'll let you do it straight away. There'll be some fun times ahead.

One year ago: Dreams of Itasha

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