Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Bear Walker Pokémon Skateboards

Over two and a half years ago, I wrote a post about the loose connection of Pokémon and skateboards. It's a fantasy that is not only logical but also enthralling. And it seems that the fantasy is about to be realized in an actual, tangible form through a newly divulged line of Pokémon merchandise. In cooperation with Bear Walker Premium Boards, a line of Pokémon skateboards has been launched. This therefore fulfills the plausibility of skateboards with Pokémon on them, which I've also discussed in that previous post.

As hinted by the tag, these skateboards are no ordinary boards. These are 29-inch skateboards made out of carved wood. They already look a little different from what most people would consider the archetypal shape of skateboards, and with Pokémon, these boards will look very different indeed. Also, these have the Pokémon images on the "foot side" of the boards, rather than on the "wheel side" as I initially imagined that they would be, but that doesn't seem to be a bad thing. In fact, I can argue that the expectations have been upgraded as a result.

And the first few Pokémon that will be featured on these skateboards are Pikachu, Mewtwo, Gengar, Gyarados, and Charizard. Pikachu is obvious, as the de facto series mascot. The other four Pokémon are really strong Pokémon that are admittedly a perfect fit for the extremeness of skateboards, far from the ones I detailed in my other post, which could be considered "cutesy" and less fitting; of course, Pikachu is also strong in its own way, so it fits in that way also. The type representation is also pretty good, with five plus two types represented. It's a good assortment.

This concept and cooperation can serve to be expanded, and it seems that's the way it might be. By way of the Pokémon Center newsletter I receive in my e-mail, these are grouped as Series 1, which means that more series might just be possible. That would mean more possibility for Pokémon representation and thereby to please a greater number of fans. Of course, with the "premium" tag on these skateboards, they automatically will command as such in all their aspects, especially for myself, as I'm not likely to be able to get any of these boards in a reasonable manner given current circumstances.

Nevertheless, the prospect of having Pokémon on skateboards is now very much real, thanks to the inception of these skateboards. They should please Pokémon fans, skateboarders, or Pokémon fans who are skateboarders - even me, who finds skateboards to be somewhat a fascination, though not as great as that of Pokémon. At least, I find it enthralling that I can have Pikachu or another Pokémon on a skateboard, and to possess even one would let me realize that "Pokéskateboard" fantasy and ride in style.

One year ago: (Scripted and Connected) Local EX Raid, 1/28/2019
Two years ago: Cosplay: Japanese World 2018
Three years ago: The First-Generation Bicycle Theme

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