Sunday, January 12, 2020

Cosplay: Nihon Matsuri 2020

Me: OK, so I said yesterday there's a big Pokémon thing happening; this theme event obviously isn't it. And I wouldn't say it's a replacement either, but I think it's a good thing to go to.

Ash: And you want me in.

Me: Sure! There has to be something to fill in this weekend in any case. It's an outlet for both of us.

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Neat idea!"]

Me: Well, there you go. Now, I'm pretty sure this is the first time I sent you here, because aside from having no record of it, I don't have any recall of it.

Ash: I guess it's new for us.

Me: So it seems. Also, I'm told this is a two-day theme event, but I had something to do the other day, and I'm sure it's a challenge to get you a place to stay, therefore I sent you today.

Ash: What would I miss from yesterday?

Me: Not much, from what I was told. Just a guitar group that knows us and the preliminary round of the singing competition.

Pikachu: Pika chu... ["I see..."]

Ash: Singing would have been great, I think.

Me: And that's always the problem. Well, maybe something else will come along. But today there is a character parade, though, so I want you in that.

Ash: OK! That's better than nothing.

Me: What was the rest like over there?

Ash: Hmm, it looks standard if you ask me. There are lots of community and merchandise stands. It's a little like the one where I was with Brock and our girl fan.

Me: They were here yesterday! But my friend came personally instead of sending Brock, though.

Ash: Aw, shoot! But yeah, what can we do?

Pikachu: Pi, pika pika chu. ["Aw, it had to happen."]

Me: All right, how was the character parade?

Ash: It was a tough lottery. 3 out of 30 or so, and I didn't win.

Me: Yeah, that's tough. Was there anything that was even remotely interesting?

Ash: I got you something neat, and I got Brock - I mean, his friend - something neat.

Me: Well, thanks! And I'm sure he'd appreciate it. I think it's time to sum up this one for this day.

Ash: I guess I and Pikachu had some fun with this one, even if it's only for this day. As you say, it's OK to go here instead of that big Pokémon thing - I know you have your reasons, and I understand. Maybe we can go here again if it's not at the same time as that. The people who hold it appreciate me for that.

Pikachu: Pi ka. Pika pika! ["Me too. Agreed!"]

Me: I don't know if this is as much fun as that big Pokémon thing, but at least this is what works for the moment.

One year ago: These Sides of Paradise
Two years ago: Another Big Shuffle Update
Three years ago: In-Game Trainer Name Inspirations

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