Monday, January 7, 2019

Family Affairs

Some of the members in my raid group are actually related by blood as a family, or have a family that participates in playing the game. The latest of these is a member who is the nephew of someone who joined a little earlier, the latter of whom is in fact someone I actually introduced to the group. This fact has prompted me to discuss how Pokémon can become a family affair, for the games and beyond.

The example of a real family playing Pokémon Go as above is a perfectly fine example, as the game is very much accessible for anyone who owns a smartphone; children are even facilitated to log in to Go by way of Niantic Kids, something introduced some months ago to let them play. But then families have different members, and they may become interested in different aspects of Pokémon. The older ones may prefer something as simple as Go, while the younger ones might be more interested in the complex main series. Between them, there may be those who are just or additionally interested in non-game aspects like the anime and figures. There is something for everyone to like.

Of course, a family consists of the nuclear family - parents and children - as well as the extended family with all the relatives. It might be hard to see all of these enjoy Pokémon in some way, but it would definitely be impressive. The nuclear family that enjoys Pokémon is already something to behold. Further, if this enjoyment can be passed on to the next generation, this may be the progenitor of a larger family that enjoys Pokémon in the future. Pokémon has already been around only for a fraction of a lifetime, so in the years ahead, there may very well be more people in families that enjoy Pokémon, and that should be a great thing, especially if it's made to happen.

It may be some time before I see more family members in my raid group. Until then, the ones that are already present are quite indicative enough that Pokémon can be a family affair. The family members don't have to take part in every aspect of Pokémon, but a few may suffice. They can even pass the attraction to others of the same or different generations. That seems to be what has happened in my raid group, and this is something that can happen with any other aspect regarding Pokémon.

One year ago: Rethinking Salt
Two years ago: Tournament: Local Friendly, 1/7/2017

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