Saturday, January 28, 2023

Pokémon Is Magic

The sub-topic of this post might be better reserved for a certain fandom next door, but it doesn't really matter anyway, because I and others believe it's true as well in relation to Pokémon. As can be inferred from the title, my view and their view is that Pokémon has a certain "magical" quality about it. What I'm referring to as "magic" here is not just in what Pokémon brings to the table, but also how things are perceived by its fans as well as how that works out for them. And there seems to be a lot of that all around.

It is true that a lot of things about Pokémon is based off on the real world and is quite realistic in that way. But then, there are the surreal and supernatural, many of which may not be fully explained. In that way, it does seem rather close to "magic" for anyone who might perceive it, possibly for the first time now. This "magic" aspect might be obvious for longtime fans like me, but it does deserve to be discussed, especially now as I'm bringing up the "magic" topic for general Pokémon matters.

Regarding those fans, the "magic" may be in the allure that Pokémon has for them. Some fans have been known to set aside Pokémon (in any form) for awhile, but then they come back as if they haven't left. While the actual reasons of coming back may depend on the Pokémon thing of concern, there's also the sense that it just seems fitting, natural, necessary, desirable, and so on and so forth to make the comeback. It seemingly has many (or even no) explanations, and that may be where the magic lies.

Some of the "magic" may also be present in the relationships that Pokémon makes possible. Two friends who are able to meet physically can be connected through Pokémon, as are two friends who are very far away. It's also likely to be more than two, as both local and international Pokémon communities can attest. If one is lucky, they may be able to link up with some of the who's who in Pokémon, both physically and over social media. Admittedly, it may be "magic" that allows any and all of those to happen.

With legions of fans and over a quarter century of existence, much has gone on in different ways. A lot of that is certainly due to monumental efforts in different ways, but it may be that some things can be attributed to "magic", perhaps for a lack of any other attributed factor or explanation. It applies equally well to the workings of its world as well as the workings of the people who relate to that world in all kinds of ways, then and now. Other fans and I may just be happy to take that "magical" explanation as is.

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