Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Friend Experiences with Factions

With the advent of Silph Arena Factions, there is a great effect on my Pokémon Go friends - who I also call "fellows" - as they compete in the Arena, at least for those who still possess the interest in competing in it and have not dropped it (and/or Pokémon Go) entirely. In relation to Factions, they may also be described to have their own experiences, whether they are involved in it or not. These are something I'd like to discuss in a post, especially how interesting those experiences turn out to be.

As can be expected, a few of them are involved in Factions and are doing quite well, at least as well as can be. In fact, a couple of them have also been involved since or near the inception of Factions, effectively becoming their "beta testers", so to speak, and now they're part of high-ranked teams on its tiers. As far as I can tell, they're completely happy with the situation, even if some of the battles are challenging where they are. They have to be commended for what they're doing now, and they have to be supported so they can keep their game (maintain status) and even improve it (move up to a higher one).

Meanwhile, a couple of them are involved, but they don't seem to be doing as well. I heard about one of them through one of the above who is doing better, and the report is that the person is stressed out. The reason is that the person was apparently drafted into a high-ranking team right away, subsequently being unable to handle the pressure of that high stature; at the moment, the person has even been rotated into an inactive Alternate position while someone else takes over. One thing that may be gained from this is that like in most other affairs of life, it may be best to start from the bottom and work upwards. It's something to consider for those interested in Factions (like me) but haven't gotten a team.

Speaking of which, there are evidently a few people of the above status, some of which I have the opportunity to know as "fellows". The only problem may be making the move to gather them up into one or more Factions, which may be ideal if it could be done under the leadership of someone who is experienced in Factions as the "manager" and who knows quite a bit about Factions in and out as the Captain (like in any team sport, each Faction has one of these to guide the others). This is especially true for the Asia-Pacific region, which right now still has a dearth of teams and a lack of upper tiers, although this may change soon with the current composition of its Open tier... and maybe something to add to that.

Then there are just those who are not interested, but regardless remain happy with just competing in the individual Silph Arena competition. These friends or "fellows" of mine likely do not know about Factions or are still trying to wrap their heads around the concept, though again, not disinterested in competing in the Arena in general or with Pokémon Go. And that's just fine; they may not need to know about or deal with Factions at this point in time. Later on, however, they may be piqued by curiosity, and at that point, more headways can be made into the competition to make it livelier.

"Lively" may indeed be considered a general description for the scene of the Silph Arena Factions and where much of the competitive efforts there are going right now. So it is that my friends or "fellows" are also involved in it to various degrees and with various results, and it can be said that it has had various effects on them, leading to their experiences around and with the competition. Even for me, that may be just enough reason to put my interest in Factions as they had put in theirs.

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