Monday, January 24, 2022

The Sinnoh Cup of GBL

As stated nearly two weeks ago, the community-based PvP venue of Silph Arena is on a bit of a break, so not too much is going on there, at least for the average Trainer. But for everyone, including those who are just average, the Go Battle League of Pokémon Go continues no matter what, and that allows for PvP action to take place alternatively. Over the past two weeks, that action has taken place in part in the form of a theme that encompasses Pokémon of the fourth generation and a very dynamic region. That would of course be the region of Sinnoh, and the theme is thus called the Sinnoh Cup.

This theme is concurrent with the second Great League period (incidentally, today being its last day), and that's for a good reason: as with the prior Kanto Cup, the theme uses the Great League as its basis. Its primary restriction is also just as simple: any of the fourth-generation Pokémon (Dex numbers 387-493) may be utilized, provided of course that they can fit into and be workable for the Great League. Overall, that only comprises 106 species - again, not all of which are workable - but within them are certainly some real gems, if ordinary Great League hasn't already proven that.

On top for this cup is the venerable Bastiodon, especially if powered up with the use of Candy XL. Pachirisu is also notable, but this is a regional Pokémon in Pokémon Go and still requires Candy XL to boot to be viable. A few selections further down the list that are neither include Lucario, Abomasnow (Shadow or not), Drapion, Magnezone (Shadow or not), Froslass, and Toxicroak. Any of these might be viable for most Trainers, especially if they were procured for earlier use in Great League.

I have to admit that I have not been too fruitful with this theme, at least with what I can muster. I have mostly ended up on the losing side, either encountering the top picks as above or even other odd picks. In that regard, one seems to have to be resourceful for this theme as the most viable pickings require (or may have required) effort to have had to be gained, in addition to the skills of putting them into battle. Regardless, the results can be entertaining past any struggles that one may have.

Regarding the matter of regions, Sinnoh is almost as memorable and dynamic as Kanto with all the tribulations that have taken place over the years. Going by that, it seems well enough that it should have its own theme competition just like the one for Kanto that was created a while back. Its demand for resourcefulness and skill also keeps the action going for those enthralled with PvP, and that may just be a testament for its memories and dynamicity.

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