Wednesday, January 12, 2022

(Dis)Engagement in Silph Arena Action

Some Trainers in Pokémon Go right now might be (or have been) feeling disengaged as much as they are engaged with the community competition venue that is Silph Arena. Even as a community competition, it still has its share of participants for its unique monthly themed cups and more recently the Factions team competition, which have their own engagement factor. At the same time, their execution might leave some with disengagement instead as the counteracting factor. Both of these may be considered to have their own explanations.

Last year, at around this time of year, it was known that the Arena "took a break" by having no new themed cup in the month, while still keeping some top-tier Trainers busy with an invitational tournament. That remains the case this year as part of its schedule, with exactly the same approach. Hence, both "disengagement" and "engagement" are present, the latter for a certain selection of Trainers and the former for most everyone else. Yet, it appears to be an approach that works well, which can only be the reason that it is kept this year. So the tournaments go on... but for now there is that break.

While on the subject of tournaments, it's quite clear that with the scarcity of recent posts about them, I have once again become disengaged with them as well as in keeping up with the PvP pros in my raid group about their latest engagements in this regard. Though I'm interested to try to start up the engagement process again, it may not be in my best interest if I can't engage the commitment along with that. This may also keep me disengaged from Factions in addition to the problem of engaging a team for that purpose.

Meanwhile, over in the land of Factions, it seems that its structure, which I had detailed previously, has created its own disengagement in some parts despite the whole thing being engaging to many. As such, the next season of Factions will feature some major changes to make the whole thing even more engaging, and the details have been divulged - but I'll save that for when that actually begins and the next teams engage in battle.

It seems that many things go on in the realm of the Silph Arena, perhaps as many things as those of the individual Trainers. That would predictably tie in to the engagements and disengagements that Trainers may have. Yet at least some of that may be necessary in order to find out what works and doesn't work regarding particular things in the Arena, for both Trainers and the system alike. What (dis)engagements there will be after that point might then just have to be decided in further competition in the Arena when warranted.

Three years ago: These Sides of Paradise

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