Sunday, January 9, 2022

Streaming Pokémon Anime Episodes

Nowadays, most people have access to a fast Internet connection of some sort, which is used for many things. One of those things could be for watching or streaming a number of episodes of the Pokémon anime, and this is actually provided by some services even with the caveat that availability might be limited. But with the transitioning of broadcasting to the Internet, including for traditionally broadcasting channels, this is to be expected, and it's a good thing that the Pokémon anime can be served in such a manner as well.

Those that have Netflix will know that it has been the service that provides episodes and even feature films of the Pokémon anime. The most recent installments of Journeys and Master Journeys, as well as the Secrets of the Jungle feature film, had been made available through the service. Going forward, the future of streaming Pokémon through this service may be secured, which could be a good reason to subscribe aside from watching everything else it provides. Payment, if nothing else, may be the single biggest hurdle, but after that, at least some (Pokémon) entertainment is provided.

Pokémon does offer a centralized place for watching the anime, in the form of the Pokémon TV app for both mobile and, more relatively recently, the Nintendo Switch. In the past, the app had offered thematic selections of certain episodes to watch, though reportedly these selections had been found inconsistent in a way. Then there is the matter of availability: as some of my fellow fans have discovered, the content is not available for them or even us in our local area, practically voiding any useful usage of the app. But for others for whom the content is available, it may still be very well worth it.

For those who live in different countries around Asia (like me presently), there is another option. The Pokémon Asia English YouTube channel uploads video content like the global official channel, but it also uploads full anime episodes; currently, it is dealing with ones from Diamond and Pearl, XY, and (Master) Journeys. In fact, it has just finished its run of Journeys, for which all episodes are available to watch only up to this Friday, after which only some episodes will remain available. Nevertheless, whatever it has at any moment might still be worth watching, moreover as quickly as possible.

Given the above options, they're not exactly meager for Pokémon fans - they're better than not watching at all, yet they may still be hindered by specific limitations. Limited or not, the key point is still to become entertained with the episodes of the Pokémon anime that are on offer for streaming and watching, at least before they disappear (temporarily). The power and connectivity of the Internet also helps in this regard, enabling intense fans like me to be able to watch the anime with at least some degree of freedom.

Three years ago: Pokémon Ceramics
Four years ago: Hitching a Raid Ride
Five years ago: A Tale of Two Shirts

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