Saturday, January 8, 2022

Quickies: Clapping with Pokémon

Around this time of year, one might be hearing a piece of music that practically demands one to clap along and follow the beat, at least for specified portions of the music. The genre of the musical piece might be considered somewhat unexpected as well, as it's not a genre one would usually clap along to. True to my interests in Pokémon, I'm also inclined to consider that from a Pokémon point of view. More specifically, it seems that some Pokémon species could also have the penchant to follow along and clap with the music.

The most natural one would of course be Spheal, as its species identifier is none other than the Clap Pokémon. While this Pokémon may have the tendency to clap irregularly, more so in non-musical settings, an ensemble of them may just be sufficiently pleased when hearing the piece of music I've referred to above and clap regularly to the music as prompted. Additionally, while these Pokémon might be known as a rowdy bunch especially when clapping, they might just be able to control themselves with the music above.

If a bunch of ball-shaped seals might have trouble staying in line with the music, perhaps a bunch of mimes can help them and provide additional clapping power. The mimes would of course be Mr. Mime, a humanoid Pokémon with peculiar yet intense psychic capabilities - and in the case of the Ketchum family's Mimey, a darn good assistant. Clapping may not necessarily fit their typical behavior as Pokémon, but in the case of the music above, it might just understand its human-created nature and follow along to assist.

Neither of these two would really be able to replace their human counterparts for the piece of music with the encouraged clapping, but they might just be able to make things lively along with the humans who are enjoying the piece, perhaps even as of right now. As it stands, someone or something will have to clap whenever that piece of music plays, and while it would be mostly the people who would do this, there may not be no reason that the Pokémon can't join in on the fun and have a clapping good time with that piece of music.

Two years ago: Locks on Shiny Forms
Four years ago: The Three-Count
Five years ago: On the Subject of Go

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