Monday, January 31, 2022

Chiki Balls Pokémon Coins: (Final?) Selections

It's been quite some time since the appearance of the Pokémon coins that I've detailed on several occasions as I have accrued them. Like similar merchandise before them, though, they are effectively time-limited, and eventually they would disappear. It seems that the situation is exactly what is happening, as the coins and the packages of snacks containing them are becoming harder and harder to come by, eventually leading to total disappearance altogether. Before that happens, though, I've had the chance to obtain a few more of the coins, which I might as well consider as the "final" selections for those coins.

For those "final" selections, I obtained those for the species of Moltres, Lycanroc (Dusk Form), and Poipole. This is a neat group of Pokémon species, with two of them being from the seventh generation and having intricate connections to Ash. With that, it seems as fine as ever for what is likely the closure to my efforts of obtaining the coins from the snack packages.

The reason there are three above instead of four (or a multiple of it) is that as usual, at this point, I've gotten a few repeats of certain species coins. I've never really discussed about these repeats in greater detail - at least not on more than one occasion - and I'm not about to do so now. As for my friends who collect these coins as well, it is likely that they have stopped collecting them at this point or even shortly before, and as such, I may have to live with the repeats I now have.

Because these may be effectively the "final" chance I get to obtain these coins, even if I do obtain another (particularly one unique one to complement the three above), I won't discuss about it. The one exception I'll allow is if I happen to obtain a large number of them somehow, as had happened with two friends. But the possibility of that happening now is remote, and may only be within my dreams.

Whatever the case, it seems that the coins have entered their "sunset" period, and not much more can be done to collect them by the usual means of opening snack packages. Yet during the time of their availability, the coins have highlighted the zeal of local Pokémon fans in the collection of merchandise, and the selection of featured Pokémon is pretty good as well. The coins themselves may be on the way out from distribution, but the coins themselves should stay in one's collection and the fascination of collectors' minds.

Three years ago: The Magic of 25
Five years ago: It's Been a Month...

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