Friday, October 15, 2021

Chiki Balls Pokémon Coins: Expanding the Collection

I had intended to write this post in order to show that I had gained a few more of the Pokémon coins that I had also showed and discussed last month and the month before. However, a fortunate turn of events allowed me to gain more of the coins - not just a few more, but a lot more. Therefore, I couldn't call it "even more selections" as the intended subtitle for this post, and it is instead more fittingly called an expansion of my collection, leading to the subtitle above.

As can be seen above, if last month and the month before I had only collected four each time, this time I collected four times that for a total of 16 new ones. The middle two of Cosmoem and Slowking I had obtained myself, while Altaria and Magearna I had obtained by trading two duplicates with a friend two weeks ago (yes, the same friend referred here), and the rest including Lucario and Volcanion were obtained by a friend of my friend giving away duplicates, which led to all of us filling and expanding our respective collections.

It becomes obvious that both of my friends have been more dedicated in obtaining the snack packages that contain these coins, even being able to be said to have subsisted on them. If not, they wouldn't have obtained what they had obtained and then some, as their collections and duplicates, for which the latter becomes distributed across our individual collections, becoming parts of them.

I should note that the Altaria I received has a defect in the form of scratches on the upper edge close to the center. While ordinarily I would rather settle for more perfect specimens, my friend of my friend suggests that there might be a reason to keep some with defects: the ones with defects may become more valuable later on. It makes sense, as these are mass-produced and are expected to be mostly perfect, but once in a while an error leads to a defect, and that becomes a rarity and therefore valuable. Though it may still have to be proven with these coins, the theory appears legit.

After having obtained 24 of these coins in total, now I have a sizable collection of them thanks to myself and my friends. My original intent was never to collect them, and that is still the case, though with nearly a quarter of the available coins in my possession, it may be that I've gained traction for the act of actually collecting them. Yet it might depend on my whim in purchasing more snack packages and subsisting on them like my friends did as well as theirs in redistributing their duplicates. That may at least be the better mark for expansion.

Two years ago: Rekindling Old Games
Three years ago: Ultra Ball Hanging Ornament
Four years ago: Cosplay: MAXcited

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