Monday, October 11, 2021

Lunar Mysteries of the New Season

Well, this is quickly becoming overdue and will be even more so soon, so I've got to get right on it and cover it, moreover with it being relevant soon enough. In the writeup for the tournament in which I participated with my raid group with a "spooky" format, I noted that the Silph Arena was in between seasons at that time; as of this month, the new season has started, and as usual, there are monthly themed cups with different meta restrictions, with the first one being this month.

The themed cup this month is called "Lunar", in contrast to last year's Sunrise opener and in keeping with the "spooky" aura of this month. For this, the allowed types are Grass, Electric, Bug, Ghost, and Dark, with dual-types of at least one of these types permitted as is the norm. As for the ban list, that contains Mega Evolution (as usual) and Shadow Pokémon (for a change) as well as the species of Alolan Marowak, Pachirisu, Scrafty, Stunfisk, and Vullaby. Altogether, there are 259 species forms - including Legendary and Mythical Pokémon - available for use in this themed cup.

Considering the main five types, it would be expected that teams and the meta would have to shift across the Grass-Bug and Ghost-Dark dualities, plus Electric types as a "transfer". That is pretty much what happens, with key species being Mandibuzz, Heracross, Galvantula, Alolan Graveler, and Froslass, among others. Notably, the ones mentioned above are dual-types that have potential to take care of practically each other and a few isolated threats. A good team of 6 Pokémon as is required by the Silph Arena ought to contain some of these and/or alternatives that can also power through.

In fact, as explained in the development notes for the themed cup, the selection of types is intended to break up and even out a few triangular relationships, particularly involving the Bug, Ghost, and Dark types, with Grass and Electric as neutrals. Each of the banned species also comes with a rationale, mostly to avoid them dominating as attackers and/or defenders. The ban on Shadow forms is also to provide a "warm welcome" to newcomers given the current circumstances, in addition to preventing dominances also caused by their naturally superior nature against normal forms.

After the break between seasons, the Silph Arena has started up again, and this time the themed cup is both welcoming to get Trainers to jump in and haunting to suit the current month's aura with its selection of restrictions. It almost has an aura of "mystery" in that manner - as well as for the progression of the current season of Silph Arena - but the "mystery" should be able to be solved with a good amount of prior planning, while the mysteries of this season solve themselves.

Two years ago: Shuffle Secrets
Three years ago: Pokémon Game Journals

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