Saturday, October 9, 2021

Pokémon Go Community Day, 10/9/2021

October is typically a spooky month for all things concerned, including in Pokémon Go, though there will be more on this later. Yet it also doesn't hurt to try to start early (and I mean really early - also more on this soon), which would be with today's edition of Community Day. By the cue word above - spooky - it becomes clear that the edition for this month has to feature a Ghost-type Pokémon, and it does, thereby making it very appropriate for this month.

So, the featured Pokémon of the month is Duskull, a Ghost-type Pokémon of the third generation that evolves twice, eventually to Dusknoir of the fourth generation. Duskull already has its Shiny form, but it has been quite rare, and this edition is thus also to make that less of a case. For Dusknoir in this edition, it gets the Charged Move of Shadow Ball, which some have noted to be a slightly poor choice with Shadow Claw preferred, but at least it still works somehow. The bonus for this month's edition is tripled Stardust from captures, which also works out for those who are always hungry for it and need as much as one can get.

As is the current norm, there is the option for using extended Lure Modules or Incense within the timeframe from 11 AM to 5 PM local time to increase appearances. There is also the additional paid Special Research, which this time is titled "Nothin' Dull About Duskull", covering its spooky oddities. Yet as it takes Sinnoh Stones to evolve Dusclops to Dusknoir, four of them are provided through an additional Timed Research if one lacked the items. The rest of this edition of Community Day is regardless standard according to the current situation.

Earlier today, I thought that it would be possible to have Community Day in the same manner as last time, but that was quickly proven otherwise when no one could confirm to do so and I met only one person on the way to check that it was the case. However, two friends of mine - one I'm frequently in contact with and another that I had never met in person before - decided to get together and invited me. It became a "mini" Community Day in some ways, which resulted in more than 15 Shiny Duskull for me and 5 evolved Dusknoir with various characteristics and different purposes. The camaraderie was a bonus in itself.

An additional side note about this Community Day is that it was divulged early on, nearly a week and a half before the previous Community Day event took place. It was surprising, considering that most times the reveal for the forthcoming edition takes place either just before or some time after; this is obviously the "really early" aspect that I had previously mentioned. As of now, there is no word on the edition for next month, so this may be construed to have been a one-off thing.

I've been spooked today with all the happenings for this Community Day, as well as with the early announcement along with others, so it may be said that the Community Day has fulfilled its purpose of early spookiness. This month has only partially passed by, and there's a certainty of more spookiness to come. Whatever that may be, at least this Community Day might have just shed the light... or unleashed the shadows.

Three years ago: What Pokémon Eat
Four years ago: Pokémon Jigsaw Puzzle

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