Sunday, October 17, 2021

My Qualms in Taking On Ranked Matches

Ranked matches in Pokémon Unite are certainly fun and competitive in order to prove that one has the chops for this unique MOBA. However, this mode of play may prove to be daunting for some, due to challenges in and out of gameplay. Particularly, one may have "qualms" about participating or taking on the matches in this play mode, in line with those challenges. I happen to have a few of my own, and they're something I ought to discuss while also seeking possible solutions for them.

In gameplay, there is the concern that any of my teammates and even myself suddenly drop, even before the match starts for some reason, which in this area of gaming is often called "being AFK" and has happened at least once even with a friend in physical communicating distance. When this happens, there's not much that can be done by me or others except for them or me to reconnect and get back into the game immediately, and to ensure optimal conditions before starting to play. Another concern is not having prepared a Pokémon well enough, especially in regard to items, which is likely to be in some disregard for beginning players like me. The resolution of this concern may be a combination of experimentation and researching possible options, as with certain other (Pokémon) games in general.

Out of gameplay, the biggest concern is one that I have already mentioned in discussing about Quick matches: not having friends to hit up and communicate with to be able to strategize together. The difficult solution would be to play only when this can conveniently occur, and the difficulty lies in the fact that the circumstance doesn't always happen due to my or my friends' unavailability due to certain affairs outside of Pokémon Unite; meanwhile, Ranked matches are often in demand because of Event or Battle Pass missions requesting as such. The easy solution would be to play as demanded, but that leaves me open to the above qualm despite still being able to resolve matters quickly by just playing. It is clear that the situation demands that a balance be struck.

The "qualms" that I have represent valid concerns for not engaging in Ranked matches due to the problems they present. At the same time, the solution for many of those problems seems to just be to play, and to let the "qualms" resolve themselves. Certainly, Ranked matches are highly competitive due to the way they play out, but it is also true that they still remain very fun, especially if one can get over the problems. That may be the most important factor for a dauntless approach to playing Ranked matches.

Two years ago: Wallpaper: Pokésoft Mix
Four years ago: Pokémon and Trains

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