Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Pokémon Music on Vinyl?

The mention of the vinyl soundtrack for a different game as a "creepy flashback" for a Pokémon game happening has gotten me thinking about the possibility of having the same for Pokémon. That is, the idea is to have a Pokémon soundtrack - not just limited to a game, but possibly the anime or some other music - be released on vinyl records that can be played on old style record players. It's a fascinatingly enigmatic idea if it were at all to be realized, although there are a number of considerations that must be taken into account, which deserve to be discussed.

First up is "why", as the reasons for creating this. A main reason is that "retro is in" in some ways, and at least some people of newer generations are interested in vintage objects like records and record players. They are then interested in putting them together with newer objects. This was essentially the case for that game soundtrack on vinyl records: the game was made past the age of record players, yet the vinyl records for the soundtrack was still conceived way past both of them. It seems anachronistic in many ways to make this happen, yet it seems to also work quite well, given the realization by the other game.

If realized, then there is the "what", as in the music that should go on the vinyl record. Since the form is intended as a "nostalgic throwback", the music should incite the greatest amount of nostalgia, and the best choices then would be music from the original first-generation games or even the BGM from the Kanto saga of the anime, the latter of which has been released as its own soundtrack a long time ago. Newer music would probably lack the nostalgic quality as older music and therefore is less fitting, but with a good concept, things might work just as well in the same spirit as Pokémon Legends: Arceus.

Realizing the vinyl records then would prompt the "how", as the manner by way the records are to be created. Since the records themselves would constitute a unique form of merchandise, Pokémon Center ought to coordinate its creation along with the record label as the rights holder for the music that would be present on the vinyl records. As well, since the prospect of vinyl records is limited, the production ought to be limited as well, making them truly items that only the most dedicated and resourceful Pokémon merchandise collectors would obtain, moreover with the relative rarity of actual records and record players these days.

Pokémon music is always a great thing to have for many of its fans, and it may be that for a section of them, having them on vinyl records would be something unique. To make this happen, however, it seems that certain strings would have to be tugged. Yet, the end result could be something that the franchise and its fans could take pride in; it would be extremely nostalgic in form - however anachronistic it might be - and especially with the right choice of the music to be featured. Hopefully, there won't be a "creepy flashback" with them, but just loads of nostalgia in form and melody.

Three years ago: Two-Sided Stories
Four years ago: Pronouncing Pokémon

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