Saturday, October 23, 2021

Creepy Pokémon Flashbacks

Pokémon is a wonderful thing for many people, including me as one of its biggest fans. However, sometimes there are less wonderful things, mostly related to the goings-on about the franchise. They can be moderately unpleasant, or even - perhaps in the same spirit of this month - downright creepy. With recent happenings, Pokémon or otherwise, I'm reminded of a few "creepy flashbacks" involving Pokémon and beyond.

Some days ago, I saw reports on television about freak accidents, one in particular involving a container truck that went out of control, sending its container slamming into a car and killing its driver... who just happens to be one of the leaders of the same convenience stores that locally sell Pokémon cards and donuts (formerly in the latter case). This becomes a sobering reminder of the accident that claimed Eric Medalle, the designer of the international Pokémon logo; the accident was equally freaky yet different, as it involved a falling tree instead. It highlights the importance of staying safe, even if these accidents are hard to avoid.

Meanwhile, Pokémon had its own "creepy moment" a few days ago with a unique reveal about a feature of Pokémon Legends: Arceus. The reveal started as a heavily noised video that brings to mind certain spooky movies before it was cleared up. This is comparable to and reminiscent of an "Easter egg" for another game series I like, involving a vinyl version of its soundtrack and some creepy visuals of its bonus track when shown through a spectroscope, which was demonstrated a few months ago. The two contexts are different - one pre-game and and one post-game - but the methods are remarkably similar that one could recall the other plainly.

The next one is a bit more general but still applicable. Every so often, the security guards of my neighborhoods go through the entire neighborhood and shine flashlights on dark places to check for things, which often goes through things like the front windows of my home and makes for a creepy sight. This brings to mind the flashes of light from black screens that are sometimes present in the early Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games and have an epileptic nature similar to but less than that of the Pokémon anime "incident". The same goes for the flashes of light from the flashlight, but they could still be conceivably epileptic.

Regardless of what happens, Pokémon still has many wonderful things to enjoy. Yet, it is still necessary to remember that less wonderful things can and do still occur from time to time, and they are a part of the franchise as anything else. They can also remind of or become reminders from other things, which shows how fascinating these relationships are for the biggest fans who know about the littlest things like me.

Three years ago: A Storybook and a Reference


  1. For me, where creepy and Pokémon becomes one are the whole Lavender Town myth/creepypasta.

  2. Some people have been known to lose their minds even with the Lavender Town music, so it's definitely creepy.


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