Friday, October 23, 2020

Minimum Play with Pokémon Go

I've been real busy lately, but I still have time to write in this blog, and of course to deal with Pokémon things. That includes Pokémon Go in particular as my current go-to game. Because of the current business I'm in, I've been wondering how minimal I can play Pokémon Go and still continue with my affairs within the game and outside the game. It's an interesting challenge for someone who is busy like me.

The minimal that perhaps anyone could stand to do to play would be the "daily tasks" that I've detailed in a post a couple of years ago, being to capture a Pokémon, spin a PokéStop or Gym, and complete a Field Research task. During the current hard times, this has become a little easier (or maybe not so easy) with the guaranteed Pokémon encounter - though not a guaranteed capture - and a bonus Field Research task, though of course one still has (or may have) to wander slightly to spin a PokéStop or Gym. Other than that, these are arguably the simplest tasks one could do to still maintain playability during current times and busy times.

To play the game and battle could be a greater challenge. It may be necessary to battle a Gym and put a Pokémon in, but that depends on accessibility and which team controls an accessible Gym. Team Go Rocket is easier to deal with thanks to occasional aerial appearances, but one definitely needs to be prepared. Raids can now be battled remotely, which helps with accessibility. Meanwhile, Go Battle League is accessible at any time and even doesn't require walking currently, but preparation is even more necessary, and some good time may be needed for battling in a set. These would seem to be things that would be great when they are opportune, and they can add value to the minimum gameplay.

With the new Buddy system, there is something new to be dealt with daily, which is to raise its friendship level. Assuming available resources, it may be possible to earn six hearts for a Buddy Pokémon by feeding it, playing with it, taking a photo of it, and battling with it. Even at the minimum, the last three actions are still doable somehow. Either way, it will take longer to build up the friendship level of the Buddy Pokémon, but with restrictions on play, speed is not important, of course; what's important is the minimum that can be played to make things progress, and this aspect at least has a certain minimum, which is a good thing.

It may be considered that there's a lot of leeway for minimum play in Pokémon Go, even at present. When things change, the minimum play might change, but because of the way the game is, there will always be a minimum that will be satisfied. That seems good enough for me, especially when times are really busy as is the present case. Once I'm not as busy, then I may have almost all the time in the world for it.

Three years ago: A Successor Has Been Named

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